New Engineering School launched by LSBU and Applied Science University, Bahrain
A recent collaborative partnership between LSBU and Applied Science University, Bahrain, has seen the launch of a brand new Engineering SchoolLondon South Bank University (LSBU) and Applied Science University (ASU), Bahrain, have joined forces to launch a new Engineering School at ASU.
Designed to foster teaching collaborations between the two institutions and add academic value for both universities, this new partnership will enhance students’ learning experiences, facilitate knowledge exchange, and provide greater opportunities for students and staff in both London and in Bahrain.
The new Memorandum of Co-operation between LSBU and ASU was signed for LSBU by Vice Chancellor Prof. David Phoenix, who commented:
“This exciting partnership will help create the type of learning environment we value most at LSBU - one that is vibrant and global, challenging and supportive, of high standing and well resourced.
“By developing the sense of global citizenship and the understanding among our students of this new, interconnected world, ASU and LSBU will graduate leaders of the future and help create wealth generation for both our countries.”
The signing took place at ASU on 6 November, 2016, in the presence of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Applied Science University, the Acting Secretary General for the Bahrain Higher Education Council, the British Ambassador to Bahrain, the President of the Applied Science University, and an invited audience.
Prof. David Phoenix added:
“In this era of globalisation and interdependence no one university, no matter how large or successful, can achieve such an ambitious goal without fostering partnerships. Partnerships such as this provide new opportunities for staff, support our local communities and work for the benefit of students, developing their natural talent and supporting their ambition wherever it takes them. We very much look forward to a long and successful partnership with ASU.”
Find out more about international partnerships at LSBU.