Finance and Procurement
The finance department is responsible for the administration of:
- fees, bursaries and scholarships
- banking and payments
- financial accounts, planning and reporting
- procurement
- staff payroll, expenses, etc
Fees, bursaries and scholarships
The Fees Team is responsible for invoicing tuition fee income, generating and collecting payments from students, pursuing debtors, applying sanctions in accordance with policy, and managing tuition fee refunds.
To make an enquiry regarding fees and funding, students can use MyAccount to quickly find answers to commonly asked questions, as well as sending enquiries. If you’re unsure about how to use MyAccount, please see the help guides how to use MyAccount as a student, how to use MyAccount as an Offer Holder and how to book an appointment with support teams in MyAccount. Can’t log in to MyAccount? Please take a look at this help guide.
Or you can speak with a student advisor for any fee related queries at the Student Life Hub.
Postal address
London South Bank University
103 Borough Road
London SE1 0AA
Tel: 020 7815 6181
The Hub (LH 124)
116 London Road
Email: fees@lsbu.ac.uk
Opening hours are 9am-5pm Monday-Thursday, and 10am-5pm Friday.
Financial accounts, planning and reporting
Copies of London South Bank University's financial statements are publicly available on our website. These include:
- balance sheets
- consolidated income and expenditure account
- independent auditor's report
- executive expenses
Facts and figures: financial statements
Procurement: Supplying LSBU
Our Corporate Procurement Unit sets the standards for how LSBU handles its supplier relationships. It's involved in the decision-making of selecting large contract tenders.
Learn more about supplying LSBU
Head of Finance
Simon Cruickshank
Group Chief Financial Officer
Email: Carol Wardell, EA wardellc@lsbu.ac.uk