Freedom Of Information
The University fully complies with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Through the Act the public has a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities, including universities. Unless covered by one of a number of specified exemptions, information requested by the public in written format (including email) should be provided to them within 20 working days.
The Act requires each public authority to adopt a Publication Scheme, specifying the information it publishes or intends to publish. View the University's Publication Scheme.
Freedom of Information Policy
Our Freedom of Information Policy (PDF File 815 KB) sets out the steps the University is taking to fulfil its obligations under the Freedom of Information Act. The Policy includes information on our FOI responsibilities, Publication Scheme, how information requests are handled and its appeals procedures.
Records Retention Schedules
The University has produced Records Retention Schedules which list the University's records, how long they should be kept and for why. To make it easier to find records there are two Schedules; one specifically covering student records and another for corporate records.
The Records Retentions Schedules can be viewed in our Publications Scheme.
Freedom of Information Complaints Procedure
The University is committed to providing satisfactory responses to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act. However, if you are not content with our response then contact the person who dealt with the request and explain the reasons for your concern. We will attempt to resolve the matter promptly.
If this does not produce a satisfactory conclusion, you may then make a formal appeal to the Office of the Chief People and Legal Officer. Please provide your name and address and the details of your complaint.
The University's Freedom of Information Review Panel will then investigate the complaint immediately. The Panel will examine any relevant papers, and give fresh consideration to the facts. The results of this investigation will be communicated to you within 20 working days.
In the event that you are still not satisfied with the outcome of the review, you may appeal to the Information Commissioner:
The Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel: 01625 545700
Fax: 01625 545510
Email: mail@ico.gsi.gov.uk
Contact us
Freedom of Information enquiries:
Group Data Protection and Information Compliance Officer
London South Bank University,
103 Borough Road,
London SE1 0AA
Email: foi@lsbu.ac.uk
Further Information
In this section
- Accessibility
- Terms and conditions
- Data Protection
- Freedom Of Information
- Jobs at LSBU