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LSBU two students smiling

LSBU CareerSmart. Here for you.

Our graduates earn the highest average salaries of all London Modern universities (LEO, 2024).

We could say it's our LSBU CareerSmart programme that makes the difference - many would. But it's our students who sit in the driving seat of their career, so it’s you who deserve the credit.

That’s why we can guarantee something different. That we’ll match the passion and energy you bring at every turn, where you’ll also find all the tools you need to succeed.

Find out how we're here for you

A day in the life of our students

Business Management student, Margarida Nero
Law student, Trent Luton
Psychology student, Reyhan Turan
Game Design student, Luis Migel Enriquez
Computer Science student, Neyamut Azad
Biomedical student, Tasneem Murad
LSBU two students smiling

Make it further with a postgraduate qualification

Through our postgraduate courses, you can benefit from teaching that equips you for the real world, helping you fast forward your career by developing valuable technical skills and critical thinking.

Find out more

The modules were carefully designed to provide a well-rounded education that equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge for my future career.

Ricardo Scheel, Business Management Course
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