Our commitment to racial equality

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LSBU’s Bronze Race Equality Charter Award (2023-2029) (PDF File 5,168 KB)

To help drive forward our efforts to improve racial equality at LSBU, we have signed up to Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter. The charter serves as a helpful framework as we work towards reviewing and improving existing structures, policies and practices to ensure racial equality for all our staff and students. As part of joining the Charter, LSBU has committed to five fundamental guiding principles which will underpin our efforts to improve our policies, practices and culture through structured action planning.

The University has assembled a self-assessment team (SAT) who will lead our efforts to address racial inequality by establishing institutional priority areas and developing an evidence-based action plan to underpin the agreed priorities and advance race equality.

The REC is sponsored by Alex Bush (Chief People Officer).

The formation of the SAT team was led by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team who are also key in the management of the REC process.

The SAT is chaired by Professor Calvin Moorley (Institute of Health and Social Care/Adult Nursing).

The SAT membership comprises of staff and students from across the institution, representing a wide range of experiences, skills, and knowledge that will be instrumental in driving systemic change for the University.

SAT Team


Alex Bush

Chief People Officer (REC Sponsor)


Calvin Moorley

Professor for Adult Nursing (SAT Chair)


Sanchia Alasia

Acting Director of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion


Grace Egbewole-Adereti

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Project Manager


Shaminder Takhar

Associate Professor in Sociology (Head of Equinet Staff Network)


Rachel Picton

Dean School of Allied and Community Health


Maxwell Smith

President of Student Union


David Lee

Head of HR Operations


Weluche Ajaefobi

PHD Engineering and built environment - Student


Ferdous Jannatul

Student Union – Vice President Welfare


Claire Melia-Tompkins

Senior Manager – Stakeholder Communications


Lesley Roberts

Deputy Director Centre for Research Informed Teaching


Jennifer Afram

Disability Adviser


Kishan Narayan

HR Business Partner – Lambeth College

In addition to our SAT, Race Equality Charter working groups have also been formed to undertake research and an analysis of current staff and student trends and experiences and recommend change initiatives to be reviewed by the SAT.

Working Group Leads


Samantha White

Organisational Development Manager


Lucy Brown

Head of division for film


Pamela Thomas

Learning Development Adviser


Emma Downes

Business Intelligence Analyst


Preethi Premkumar

Course Director for Psychology

For more information regarding LSBU’s REC work, or to discuss ways to get involved, please reach out to our Equality, Diversity& Inclusion Team at edi@lsbu.ac.uk.