Prof. Alex Kendall

Breaking Barriers Evening Event

02 November 2022

Breaking Barriers Evening Event

A truly diverse panel of speakers gathered for LSBU Law’s annual Breaking Barriers careers event held on the 18th October 2022. They came to share personal stories of success and disappointment with an equally diverse audience of law students, aspiring to become qualified lawyers too.

The speakers included Lubna Shuja, President of the Law Society, the first Asian, the first Muslim and only the 7th woman lawyer to hold that office in the Society’s nearly 200 years history. The panel was chaired by the President of the South London Law Society, Donovan Lindsay, a partner in local firm, Anthony Gold Solicitors.

Sharing personal experiences of the often long and lonely road to their current success, panel members spoke about making multiple applications and receiving few replies, about feeling an outsider at Law School and in the workplace, about overcoming imposter syndrome and how to keep going after multiple rejections.

Speaking after the event Lubna Shuja said "grab every opportunity that presents itself - you never know where it may lead you".


Donovan Lindsay summarised the panel’s advice to students as one that they should not close down any options that is made available, continue to seek guidance, and assistance not just now but throughout their career. He added “I was touched by the positive feedback shown by the students and the hopes they have for the future. The event shown the different path each member of the panel has taken - very inspiring”.

This evening event kicked off the Breaking Barriers series for 2022. Every Tuesday an invited speaker will present an area of law or employability which will guide students through the hurdles and enhance their future careers. In October and November 2022 there will be speakers on qualifying as a barrister, as a solicitor, meeting practitioners in legal aid, Government Legal Service and a meeting with the High Sheriff of London. If interested contact