A major training event for academics from across Europe was held in Lisbon in October at Lusofona University to develop their skills to teach game-based learning which is using gaming in teaching to increase student’s engagement and learning. Game-based learning supports students to learn key skills including: critical thinking, cooperation, team spirit and innovative / analytical thinking.
15 academics from Lusofona University (Portugal), Vilinius University (Lithuania), Hellenic University (Greece) and LSBU were trained by a team led by LSBU's Business School and Lusofona University, including Dr. Sara Rye (Hasani), LSBU’s Senior Lecturer in Project Management and Project Lead on TEGA.
The training event used the TEGA toolkit for game-based learning and participants designed their own games to aid different types of learning using building blocks. TEGA stands for: ‘Training the Educators to facilitate the teaching and assessment of abstract syllabus by the use of serious Gamification’.
Speakers from Hungary, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Portugal and UK presented the games they have designed for learning in universities and ran testing sessions with the academics at the training event. The Lisbon meeting was second round of this important training, the first was held in Greece in June at Hellenic University.