Global Entrepreneurship Week comes to LSBU
Students, staff and alumni mark Global Entrepreneurship Week with a packed week of events to celebrate LSBU enterprise and entrepreneurshipLondon South Bank University (LSBU) held a series of free events as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) 2016, a world-wide celebration of enterprise from 14-18 November. Students, staff, alumni and external guests attended talks and workshops held by LSBU’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation Institute.
Professor Janet Jones, Dean of the School of Arts and Creative Industries chaired an interactive panel discussion: ‘What does it take to succeed as a woman within the creative industries?’ featuring a diverse mix of female entrepreneurs with backgrounds and businesses in the creative industries. The lively discussion covered topics like working hours, taking risks, the importance of networks and developing creativity.
Our annual Pop-up Market also returned, this time hosting 15 stalls, with 28 individuals showcasing their entrepreneurial skills and innovative products. LSBU’s National Bakery School and Food Scientist students from the School of Applied Scientists also contributed to the collective turnover of £1,275.
Kehinde Akinsoji, a first year Social Work student, School of Health and Social Care and founder of Tabor sold her products on the day, said:
“I started Tabor nearly two years ago in a workshop in Seven Sisters. LSBU’s Pop up Market became the first of many opportunities for me to promote my capabilities, products and brand and I am completely overwhelmed by all the positive feedback and support I received from both customers and staff, just from this one event.
The week also included an inspiring Skills Swap event, where students, graduates and staff were invited to network and exchange their skills to gain more experience, or find a solution to a skills gap within an enterprise. Students were also asked to submit their ideas in a week-long Dream Invention Competition, helping them to understand the importance of Intellectual Property and protecting their own work.
Linsey Cole, Head of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Institute said:
“Throughout GEW there were lots of positive and inspirational messages being shared about enterprise, from not just our external entrepreneurs, but also LSBU students and graduates who have developed their own start-ups. GEW events strongly contribute to our efforts to create a culture of enterprise across the University and it was great to see so many of our students, graduates and staff getting involved.”
Find out more about LSBU’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation Institute.