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Public lecture at LSBU on HIV and AIDS stigma in Guyana

Guyana University's Professor Prem Misir is to present his recently-published research at LSBU on HIV and AIDS knowledge and stigma in the country
27 March 2014

University of Guyana pro-chancellor Professor Prem Misir is to present his recently-published research on HIV and AIDS knowledge and stigma in Guyana at London South Bank University in April.

Professor Misir's newly-published book explores issues surrounding the knowledge of AIDS and HIV amongst young people in Guyana and discusses how myths and gaps in knowledge and understanding could be addressed.

The lecture precedes Professor Misir's book launch at the Guyana High Commission in London which details a cross-sectional study of 379 high school students from fifteen urban and rural high schools in Guyana.

The study assessed their HIV and AIDS knowledge and stigma-related attitudes, and the relationships among gender, age, religion, race and ethnicity.

It found that knowledge scores differed significantly between the 13-to-15 and 16-to-18 age groups, and among the religious and ethnic groups. The study showed fissures in HIV/AIDS knowledge and substantial stigma-related attitudes.

Professor Misir argues that limited understanding of the myths and misconceptions of HIV and AIDS demands a new focus on how HIV is not transmitted, moving beyond conventional strategies toward a social constructivist approach.

The lecture is free and open to all.

Date Wednesday 9 April 2014
Time 5.15pm
Location LSBU's Clarence Centre for Enterprise and Innovation
RSVP Book via Eventbrite (required)