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Law students celebrate advocacy win

On Tuesday 19 February, two of our outstanding (LLB) Law students, Zulfa Ahmed and Freddie Palmer, successfully represented LSBU in the first preliminary round of the UH/Blackstone's National Criminal Advocacy Competition 2013.
22 October 2013

The UH/Blackstone's National Criminal Advocacy Competition is an excellent opportunity for law students throughout the country to take part in a series of mock trials. Taking part in events like this are a way for students to gain practical skills for their future legal career.

In this year's preliminary round our team of Zulfa and Freddie finished a clear 20 points ahead of their home team. Zulfa and Freddie were able to draw on their understanding of legal proceedings developed while studying our CILEX accredited Criminal Litigation module. In defending their case, Zulfa and Freddie successfully contested a number of applications made by the prosecution, in front of acting judge Michael Stradling.

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