LSBU Built Environment academic published in prestigious dispute resolution edition
Karen Tweeddale, Senior Lecturer in dispute resolution in the Department of the Built Environment is recognised as a leading figure in arbitration lawThe Chartered Institute of Arbitration is a 100-year old renowned international organisation that facilitates and develops all forms of dispute resolution. It has just published a selective book of 50 academic articles from the 4000 plus articles that have appeared in its journal over this period with the title 'ADR, Arbitration and Mediation: a Collection of Essays'.
Karen Tweeddale has been a Senior Lecturer in Law in the Department of the Built Environment for 9 years and says that the construction and property law courses taught to Real Estate, Surveying and Construction students are recognised as amongst the best in the country and give students an edge in the job market.
Editor Julio Betancourt states that the articles were chosen because they were "the most relevant, interesting, and influential," and adds:
"By collecting some of the journal's most relevant articles – written by some of its most illustrious authors – in the subjects of ADR, arbitration, and mediation, this book will provide the ADR community with a single reference work containing the 'best of the best' that Arbitration has to offer."
Karen Tweeddale's article 'Commencement of Arbitration and Time Bar Clauses' was selected for inclusion and sits alongside articles written by highly distinguished practitioners and academics, including many eminent Supreme Court Judges, such as: Lord Clarke, Lord Donaldson, Lord Dyson, Master of the Rolls, Lord Goff, Lord Saville, Lord Steyn, Lord Phillips (Past Master of the Rolls) and Lord Woolf (Past Master of the Rolls).
Karen, who has written several books and articles on arbitration, says: "It is hard to conceive of a more impressive and well qualified group of contributors to such a book than the list of people included in this volume."