LSBU first in student satisfaction for Chemical Engineering
London South Bank University (LSBU) is now ranked first nationally for student satisfaction in Chemical Engineering by the Complete University Guide 2023. LSBU scored higher than Oxford University, Imperial College London, UCL and others and achieved a student satisfaction score of 90%.
Student satisfaction data was taken from the recent National Student Survey (NSS) and included a variety of questions on different aspects of teaching at universities.
Chemical Engineering at LSBU prepares students for a future engineering career by focusing on process design and understanding of various process industries and how to make products more commercially viable, environmentally friendly and cost-effective. It allows them to gain an enviable skill set that includes theoretical and practical, both lab-based and in real-life environments. Sustainability has been a particular focus in Chemical Engineering recently and has been driven by investment in new academic staff and facilities.
Professor Asa Barber, Dean of LSBU’s School of Engineering, said: “As a team we’re delighted to see Chemical Engineering at LSBU coming number one in the UK for student satisfaction. The academic team have a breadth of experience and all the modules have been designed to get the best out of our students so to see this recognised is an immensely proud moment for everyone involved.
“Recent LSBU Chemical Engineering graduates have helped to develop processes to produce COVID-19 vaccines, invented new ways to produce essential materials to improve battery performance and sought creative ways to reduce global CO2 emissions in the past couple of years alone. This is another fantastic achievement to add to the growing list for the school.”
Interested in studying Chemical Engineering at LSBU? Find out more here.