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LSBU has “first class” environmental credentials

Independent league table of UK universities environmental impact has rated London South Bank University (LSBU) as "first class"
20 January 2015

The annual People and Planet University League has awarded LSBU 17th place from 151 institutions throughout the UK and the third highest placement in London. Each university is assessed on criteria including carbon reduction, student and staff engagement, sustainable food, workers' rights, ethical investment and education for sustainability.

LSBU is dedicated to minimising its environmental impact and has numerous measures in place. This work is driven by the Sustainability Steering Group made up of volunteers from across the University including students, support staff, and academics. The group's purpose is to oversee development of relevant policies, strategies, plans and activities to support the embedding of sustainability across LSBU

LSBU Energy and Environmental Officer Paul Crossley said: "Sustainability is everyone's responsibility, and through investment and encouraging behavioural change the LSBU community has demonstrated that simple steps can make a real difference. We are all delighted that this league table position reflects our progress in becoming a sector-wide leader for sustainability. I'd like to add a big thank you to all staff and students for their effort, and look forward to building on this success."

In 2009 LSBU opened the K2 building, an eight-storey construction designed and built using green technology including pipes to harness heat from the earth and solar panels. Eleven per cent of the energy used by the building comes from renewable sources.

K2 is also used as a teaching resource for those studying sustainability, particularly students on the university's architecture programmes. LSBU offers a bachelor of arts in urban and environmental planning and a MSc in sustainable energy systems.