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LSBU hosts delegation of 22 Chinese universities

LSBU last week hosted a delegation of 22 Chinese university presidents and vice-presidents with a visit organised by China's Ministry of Education
16 June 2014

A scheme of the Chinese Government's National Academy for Education Administration (NAEA), the two days involved a very successful programme of training seminars hosted by the LSBU International Office and Confucius Institute under the theme of 'University Leadership and Support to the Local Economy'.

The group, including representatives from the Ministry and NAEA, received a welcome speech from Vice-Chancellor David Phoenix. This was followed by insights from LSBU staff on areas such as enterprise and student entrepreneurship, managing academics and teams, quality assurance, student support, HR policies and structures, and visits to university facilities and research laboratories.

This event, typically hosted twice a year by the LSBU International Office and Confucius Institute, showcases LSBU as a leading UK institution with delegates also visiting Oxford University and Imperial College London.

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