LSBU photography students present InSight - an end-of-year exhibition
Final-year students at LSBU have prepared an end-of-year photography exhibition which opens to the public at the Embassy Tea Gallery between 4-7 JuneFinal-year photography students at London South Bank University (LSBU) present InSight – a showcase of work produced in the past academic year.
InSight will feature large-format prints, photobooks and moving image work in a wide variety of photographic styles, including documentary, fashion, archival and surrealist photography. The exhibition, held at the Embassy Tea Gallery in Bankside, has been co-ordinated entirely by students, with guidance from Daniel Alexander, LSBU Course Director, BA (Hons) Photography. The chance to present work in one of London's most exciting cultural quarters is highly valued by students as a stepping-stone towards a career in photography or the creative industries.
The work on display has been developed in response to an open brief given to students at the beginning of the academic year. The photographers were asked to develop a project according to their strongest areas of interest, meaning that students were able to follow their individual passions and to produce work with their future career goals in mind, kick-starting their professional portfolio. The diverse exhibition reflects the flexible nature of the LSBU photography course, which attracts photographers from different disciplines and backgrounds and can be tailor-made to the needs of each individual student.
Student Jubeda Akthar reflects on the final year of her photography course: "In a way, everything has been building-up to this exhibition. It was clear that this would be significant moment for us professionally, but it's also a big moment personally. Throughout the year I've been pushed to consider what I most enjoyed and loved about photography, and in shaping my project in response to that interest I've discovered a lot about myself. The university has pushed me constantly to be articulate in what my project is about and to think harder about my practice, and to develop it in new areas. It's been a really fun and rewarding year of learning for all of us."
InSight runs at the Embassy Tea Gallery, 195-205 Union Street, London SE1 0LN, from 4-7 June. Admission is free. Opening hours: Thursday 4 June: 6-9pm, Friday 5-Saturday 6 June: 11am-6pm, Sunday 7 June 11am-3pm.