New consumer insights revealed at Taste Tomorrow London event held at LSBU
The National Bakery School hosted the Puratos Taste Tomorrow London event which revealed unique insights into emerging consumer trendsOver 100 delegates from the food industry, retail and bakery gathered to hear results of a global study - provided by Puratos - which gave unique insights into emerging consumer behaviour, perception, future trends and attitudes relating to bakery, pastry, patisserie and chocolate.
Puratos is an international group with a full range of innovative products and application expertise in the bakery, patisserie and chocolate sectors.
The global study consisted of qualitative research - conducted by InSites Consulting - which was carried out in two phases; the first of which were two hour online discussion groups to examine key trends in the baked goods industry. The second phase consisted of in-depth conversations with online communities to uncover new trends and develop new idea sessions in the online communities.
Hakim Zemni, Managing Director at InSites Consulting, presented the results of the study at the National Bakery School which unveiled four key observations: age of abundance; the future of food lies in its availability, innovation, variety and convenience.
Findings from the research detailed that when consumers buy bread, pastry, chocolate or patisserie their decision is driven by three key criteria, freshness, healthiness and taste. These three elements form what Puratos refer to as the ‘baked goods triangle’, which are essential areas the industry should address when looking at innovation.
Paul Flatters, chief executive of the Trajectory Partnership followed the results of the global study with a presentation on ‘The factors driving future consumer behaviour’, which detailed the forces shaping modern consumer behaviour.
Mark Hix, chef, restaurateur and food writer discussed ‘The real good food trend’ which observed the role of bakery in the restaurant industry and how it has evolved observing the impact and trends within the industry on kitchens and restaurants alike.
Elaine Thomson, Course Director at the National Bakery School, commented; “The National Bakery School was thrilled to host the Taste Tomorrow London event as it allowed us to really appreciate the mindset of consumers. Puratos have done a fantastic job in gathering this information which will lead us to better understand the average consumer in much more detail.”