Students get glimpse of the future of marketing
London South Bank University's (LSBU) eighth Marketing Careers Evening recently gave marketing students a chance to network with industry professionals and successful LSBU alumni who are leading the way in the world of marketing.Organised by LSBU MSc Marketing lecturers Mel Godfrey and Anita Peleg, students were treated to presentations from guest speaker Jon Epstein, Managing Director at r-cubed, a leading marketing company, and from LSBU alumnus Ross Winterflood, Account Director at AKQA. Both speakers provided insights into their sectors and top tips on career progression.
Jon managed to grab students' attention in by asking them how they will "justify the risk of your future employers. I receive countless CVs asking for interviews, internships and, of course, jobs. You need to make them stand out. I'm looking for hunger, drive and individuals who have demonstrated personal initiative; do something anywhere, anytime, now.
A panel of LSBU alumni, who are now professionals working in organisations including ad agencies, banks and dotcoms, then took centre stage for a Q&A session. Students were able to grill them for information on their job content, interview tips, and ask about the kind of skill sets that will help them to stand out from the crowd.
All alumni agreed that the LSBU Marketing Alumni Network was central to achieving their career success.
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