We want to know how COVID affected your research
Researchers at LSBU are calling for all academic staff to complete the DISCOVerY survey to understand the impact that the COVID pandemic had on researchers from marginalised backgrounds. The aim of the DISCOVerY Project is to understand more about the factors that enabled and hindered the career progress of researchers who may be female, disabled, from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds and those with caring responsibilities. We aim to recruit 500 participants across all UK research institutions by August 2024. Therefore, we kindly ask you to share this survey will your colleagues at other research institutions.
Dr Preethi Premkumar is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology and is leading the DISCOVerY Project. Professor Nicki Martin and Rachel Grant are co-investigators. Professor Nicki Martin is Professor of Social Justice and Inclusive Education and an expert in Disability studies. Rachel Grant is a Senior Lecturer in BioScience and specialises in behavioural and evolutionary ecology.
Dr Yvonne Robinson has conducted the research so far. This involved focus groups and interviews with researchers. Participants came from different ethnic backgrounds and academic institutions. The findings of the focus groups and interviews informed the DISCOVerY survey that we are asking you to complete.
So we hope the questions in the survey address key issues that affect minoritised researchers, and all researchers more broadly. Please take some time to complete the survey and share with your networks!
Take the DISCOVerY survey here.