Understand how our university is run and who is involvedThe Chancellor is LSBU's ceremonial head and promotes our work and ambitions. The Chancellor and Pro Chancellors undertake ceremonial duties at graduation ceremonies, including awarding degrees.
LSBU is headed by the Board of Governors, which is responsible for overseeing the University's activities, determining our future direction and fostering an environment in which we can realise our mission to become London's top modern university by 2020.
The University Executive, led by the Vice-Chancellor, is responsible for the executive management of the University and implementing the decisions of the Board of Governors.
Our Academic Board is responsible for all academic activities, including quality and standards and policies and procedures for granting qualifications and titles.
Our legal status
LSBU is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. It is an exempt charity within the meaning of the Charities Act applying in England and Wales and its principal regulator is the Office for Students (OfS). The following details apply to it:
- Legal Name: London South Bank University
- Company number: 00986761
- Registered office and trading address: 103 Borough Road London SE1 0AA
- VAT number: 778 1116 17
LSBU's objects are laid out in its Articles of Association (PDF File 157 KB) and Standing Orders (PDF File 362 KB), which govern how the University is run.
As an exempt charity, our Governors are also our trustees. To find out more about them and which Governors also serve as trustees of other charities, read about our Board of Governors.
Financial statements
Details of our audited consolidated financial statements can be found on our facts and figures page.