Board of Governors
Our Board of Governors is the governing body of LSBUThe Board as a whole is collectively responsible for promoting the success of the University by leading and supervising its affairs. The Board is responsible for:
- the effective stewardship of the university to secure its sustainability over the medium and long term;
- safeguarding the mission of the university and the services it provides for the public benefit;
- securing the proper and effective use of public funds and accounting to stakeholders and society for institutional performance;
- fostering an educational environment that enables students to succeed; and
- setting the values and standards of the University and ensures that its obligations to its stakeholders are understood and met.
The Board takes all final decisions on matters of fundamental concern to the University. The Board has adopted a Statement of Primary Responsibilities (DOC File 28 KB).
The Board meets five times per year plus two strategy days. Minutes of Board meetings are available to view. Confidential items are subject to redaction within the spirit of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Much of the Board's business is delegated to Committees. Details of their terms of reference, membership and minutes are available to view.
Membership of the Board is made up of Independent Governors, Student Governors, Staff Governors, and the Vice Chancellor. Independent Governors are external and independent of the University. All governors are required to declare any interests they have outside the University which are disclosed in our Register of Interests (PDF File 199 KB) in compliance with LSBU's Declarations of Interest policy (PDF File 99 KB).
The Board appoints a Vice-Chair (DOCX File 26 KB) and Senior Independent Director (PDF File 126 KB) from amongst its members. The role of the Senior Independent Director is to be available to the Executive, Board of Governors and other University senior staff if they have concerns about the operation and/or conduct of the Board which contact through the normal channels of Chair, Vice Chancellor, Chair of the Group Audit and Risk Committee or other Executive members has failed to resolve, or for which such contact is inappropriate.
Our Governors
Independent Governors
- Dr Andreas Raffel - Chair of the Board and Pro Chancellor
- Dr Shona Brown - Vice Chair of the Board and Pro Chancellor
- Mr Mark Lemmon - Senior Independent Governor
- Mr Duncan Brown
- Mr John Cole
- Ms Helen Coleman
- Prof. Ruth Farwell CBE
- Prof. Paul Hayes
- Mrs Ola Obadara
- Mr Jeremy Parr
- Mr Vinay Tanna
- Ms Jennifer Thomson