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London South Bank University's Board of Governors and its committees meet regularly throughout the year. On this page you can download minutes of their meetings.

Board Meetings

Strategy and People Committee (Established in February 2024)

Finance, Planning and Resources Committee (Decommissioned in November 2023)

Finance and Investment Committee (Established in February 2024)

Major Projects and Investment Committee (Decommissioned in November 2023)

Remuneration Committee

Minutes of the Remuneration Committee are not published. In line with the HE Senior Staff Remuneration Code, the committee publishes an annual remuneration report which is included in the annual report and accounts and published on LSBU's website here.

Group Audit and Risk Committee

Minutes of the Group Audit and Risk Committee are no longer published on the website as agreed at its meeting on 30 September 2024.

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