The aim of this policy is to support student's engagement with their academic programme helping to detect any possible barriers, providing early support to overcome these and thereby increasing their changes of academic success.

Policies and procedures
Browse our policies, regulations and procedures for more information on our approach to academic matters, student affairs and life on campus.
These regulatory documents support and clarify the ways we ensure that you, the student, are fairly treated: from accepting an offer to study here; through assessments; to your final award as a graduate.
Academic Regulations
Our Academic Regulations provide the means through which the standards of our academic awards, including research degrees, are assured.
Access and Participation Plan
The Access and Participation Plan assesses the University's current measures and activities related to widening access and participation.
- Access and Participation Plan 2024-25 to 2027-28 (PDF File 2,629 KB)
- Summary of 2024-25 to 2027-28 access and participation plan
(PDF File 218 KB) - Access and Participation Plan 2019/20 (PDF File 448 KB)
- Access and Participation Plan 2019/20: Impact Report (PDF File 194 KB)
- Access and Participation Plan 2020/2025 (PDF File 762 KB)
- LSBU Undergraduate Fees and Funding
- LSBU International Fees and Funding
- LSBU 2021/22 Fee Limits (PDF File 61 KB)
Admissions and Enrolment
Our Admissions and Enrolment Procedure covers admissions, complaints and appeals about admissions decisions, and enrolment.
- Admissions and Enrolment Procedure - January 2025 (PDF File 1,520 KB)
- Applicant Complaints and Appeals of Admission Decision Procedure (PDF File 516 KB)
- Enrolment terms 2018-2019 (PDF File 165 KB)
- Enrolment terms 2019-2020 (PDF File 182 KB)
- Enrolment terms 2020-2021 (PDF File 306 KB)
- Enrolment terms 2021-2022 (PDF File 492 KB)
- Enrolment terms 2022-2023 (PDF File 304 KB)
- Enrolment terms 2023-2024 (PDF File 792 KB)
- Enrolment terms 2024-2025 (PDF File 300 KB)
- Enrolment terms 2025-2026 (PDF File 300 KB)
Assessment and Examination Procedure
The operation of the University's Academic Regulations 2024/2025 (PDF File 298 KB) is underpinned by University Procedures, the Assessment and Examinations Procedure (PDF File 649 KB) and Codes of Practice.
The Assessment and Examination Procedure covers: University assessment procedures, examinations procedures, examination boards, academic misconduct, certificates and transcripts.
Changing Courses Procedure
The procedure for our students to change course.
Degree Outcome Statement
The degree outcomes statement sets the University’s degree classification profile for the past five years. It considers how academic governance assures the standard of degrees; describes the classification algorithm; and how learning and teaching enhancements support attainment.
Fitness to Practise Procedure
The Fitness to Practise Procedure covers all students in the School of Health and Social Care who are undertaking a programme of study which involves patient or service user contact and/or allows for registration to practice as a professional.
Institute of Health and Social Care
Fitness to Practise Procedure (PDF File 491 KB)
Fitness to Practise Referral Form (PDF File 84 KB)
Directional Statement form (PDF File 354 KB)
School of Applied Sciences
Support and Fitness to Study Procedure
The Support and Fitness to Study Procedure is intended as a supportive procedure which can be used by staff when a student’s health, wellbeing and/or behaviour is having a detrimental impact on their ability to progress academically and function at university.
Immigration Regulations
The University holds a Tier 4 sponsor licence which allows it to sponsor students under Tier 4 General of the points-based system. The University takes its licence very seriously and the regulations, policies and guidance listed here concern both applicants who require sponsorship under Tier 4 and current students who hold a Tier 4 visa.
Interruption and Withdrawal Procedure
This document sets out the procedure for an interruption or withdrawal from your studies at the University. Interruption and Withdrawal Procedure (PDF File 311 KB)
Late Submission and Extenuating Circumstances Notification Procedure
If you believe your assessed work has been negatively affected by circumstances outside your control (extenuating circumstances), you can raise this with the relevant Award and Progression Examination Board by submitting a claim for extenuating circumstances using the procedure explained in this document.
Research Degrees Code of Practice
The University's Research Degrees Code of Practice covers: academic awards, the application process, registration period, research and professional development, supervision, progression, examination, PhD by published work, higher doctorates, appeals on examination result and graduation.
This Code of Practice applies to the following awards: Masters by Research (MA/MSc), MPhil, PhD, PhD by Published Work, Professional Doctorates and Higher Doctorates.Research Degrees Code of Practice (PDF File 1,581 KB)
Student Academic Appeals Procedure
The Student Appeals Procedure describes the processes for students to appeal against academic decisions by the University; in other words decisions relating to the administration of the marking process, progression and the awarding of qualifications.
- Student Academic Appeals Procedure (PDF File 435 KB)
- Make an Appeal (links to Student Portal)
Student Complaints Procedure
This procedure describes what a student needs to do if they wish to complain about any aspect of the delivery of their programme, which they believe has affected their ability to engage effectively with their studies.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction by one or more students about the University’s action, inaction or standards of service, on or off the campus, which the student(s) have not been able to resolve through informal processes.
Student Academic Misconduct Procedure
The Academic Misconduct Procedure applies to every student enrolled and registered with the University, including students on programmes delivered in partnership with other providers, unless otherwise stated in the student handbook.
Where more than one student is involved in a case of suspected academic misconduct, the University may choose whether to take joint or separate action against them under this procedure.Student Academic Misconduct Procedure (PDF File 434 KB)
Student Compensation and Refund Policy
The Student Compensation and Refund Policy sets out possible risks to continuation of study and the University's position on refunds and compensation if those risks materialise.
Student Disciplinary Procedure
This procedure applies to unacceptable conduct of any enrolled student of the University, with the exception of (a) academic misconduct which will be dealt with in accordance with the University’s Code of Practice 6 Academic Misconduct, (b) conduct which causes no damage of any kind to the University or any person or body connected to it, and (c) conduct which will be dealt with under the School of Health and Social Care’s Fitness to Practise procedure (PDF File 491 KB).
Student Placements Procedure
We offer every undergraduate student the opportunity for a placement, internship or a professional experience during their time at LSBU. Student placements are an essential part of many undergraduate programmes and postgraduate research projects, providing students with valuable work experience and networks of contacts in their chosen disciplines.
- The placements procedure is currently being revised.
Student Pregnancy, Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Policy
The University is committed to supporting its students to succeed in their studies and seeks to ensure those who are pregnant or caring for a very young child are not disadvantaged, whilst ensuring that academic standards are maintained.
Student Pregnancy, Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Policy
(PDF File 454 KB)
Student Protection Plan
The Student Protection Plan sets out how London South Bank University will protect students in the event of a risk to the continuation of their studies arising.
Student Protection Plan (PDF File 273 KB)
The COVID-19 Addendum (PDF File 194 KB)
Procedure for Closing or Suspending a Course (PDF File 255 KB)
Tuition Fee Regulations
The Tuition Fee Regulations cover key financial matters for Home, EU and International undergraduate and postgraduate students, including fee information, how to pay, self-funding procedures and loan access.
Current Tuition Fee Regulations
Tuition Fee Regulations Academic year 2024/2025 (PDF File 401 KB)
Past Tuition Fee Regulations
Tuition Fee Regulations Academic year 2015/2016 (PDF File 218 KB)
Tuition Fee Regulations Academic year 2016/2017 (PDF File 3,821 KB)
Tuition Fee Regulations Academic year 2017/2018 (PDF File 129 KB)
Tuition Fee Regulations Academic year 2018/2019 (PDF File 157 KB)
Tuition Fee Regulations Academic year 2019/2020 (PDF File 142 KB)
Tuition Fee Regulations Academic year 2020/2021 (PDF File 160 KB)
Tuition Fee Regulations Academic year 2021/2022 (PDF File 201 KB)
Tuition Fee Regulations Academic year 2022/2023 (PDF File 391 KB)
Tuition Fee Regulations Academic year 2023/2024 (PDF File 438 KB)
General policies and resources
Our general policies govern our approach to student affairs and life on campus, for both students and staff:
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
We're committed to the provision of equality for all, valuing diversity across all the dimensions of difference. This is set out in our Equality and Diversity Policy Statement.
We've also developed the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy to ensure everyone who studies and works here does so free of discrimination.
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy (PDF File 233 KB)
- Read more about Equality and Diversity initiatives.
As part of the admissions cycle in each academic year, LSBU's Strategy, Planning and Performance (SPP) Team work closely with the Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions Team, providing summaries of student applications in our PowerBI Applications reporting dashboards, which includes gender and other student characteristics. A sample 2022/23 Applications dashboard can be found here, with commercially sensitive data redacted. Such reports enable the University to monitor its admissions process and course marketing strategy.
Data Protection
We're committed to protecting people's rights and privacy in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
Health and Safety
The Health and Safety Policy sets out the vision and high performing aspiration of the University in its approach to health and safety. The policy enables staff, students and visitors to go about their business or studies safely, and the University to provide an excellent environment for all its stakeholders.
- Health and Safety Policy (PDF File 246 KB)
- Read more about services of Health Safety and Resilience Team.
Freedom of Information
We're required to adopt a Publication Scheme in line with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The Scheme is a guide to information routinely held and made available to the public.
Read more about our Publication Scheme in our Freedom of Information Policy.
Intellectual Property
This policy provides a framework for assessment, management and commercial development of intellectual property arising at LSBU.
Intellectual Property Policy (PDF File 339 KB)
Lecture Capture Policy
The University promotes the use of Lecture Capture to extend the learning opportunities available for students to engage with lectures, and to provide a more ‘inclusive teaching’ environment by making a wider range of teaching resources more accessible and available to all students.
Modern Slavery Act
This statement sets out the steps LSBU is taking with the aim that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place within its supply chain or business.
Modern Slavery Act Statement (PDF File 66 KB)
Speak Up Policy
This policy is in place to allow students, staff and others associated with the University by an employment or business contract to raise concerns and disclose information about perceived malpractice.
Retention Schedules
Information about the data and documents held by the University and how long they are retained for
Key human resource policies
Our HR policies outline our approach to employment issues for staff:
Library, IT and facilities
Library Rules and Regulations
Full information on library services and guidelines can be found on the Library website.
Library website
Internet Procedures and Guidelines
As a University IT user (staff or student), you must familiarise yourself with our Procedural Statements on the use of the internet and other computing services, to ensure your compliance.
References: student and alumni
Guidance on requesting references
The University can provide a reference to potential employers, other colleges or universities, a professional body or to a public body. References will provide standard information about the student as detailed below. Academic comments, including details about academic ability, will be provided at the academic's discretion only. The University will endeavour to provide a reference wherever possible, however it is not obligated to do so. A transcript of an award, or successfully completed modules, can also be provided. These can be ordered on our Buy and Book Online website.
Types of references
- Standard – confirmation of student name, course studied, qualification obtained, start date and completion date.
- Academic – confirmation of standard information above and academic comments that may contain information about the student’s academic abilities. Academic comments may be made only at the discretion of a relevant academic member of staff and are typically provided for up to two years following a student's last attendance at the University. The two-year period may be extended if a reference is required for further education and the relevant academic is still a member of staff at the University.
The University does not provide personal/character references. Any such requests may be addressed to the relevant academic member of staff who may provide it solely at their own discretion and independently of the University.
Requesting a reference
- References that require comment from an academic should be sent directly to the selected academic referee at their University email address. Students are advised to confirm that an academic is able to provide them with a reference before providing their details for a reference to be obtained.
- If a reference for employment or higher education requires only standard confirmation of dates of study, course and award, these requests should be sent to for students who completed more than two years ago. Requests for current students and those who completed within two years should be sent to
- Teacher Education student reference requests should be sent to (please note, this is only for LSBU students in the Education Division).
- Current students can obtain confirmation of student status letters (confirms dates of study and course) from the Student Life Centre at
- All requests from third parties should be accompanied by the student’s written agreement. This can be in the form of a letter from the student or email from the student’s University email account or personal email address as held on our student record system to enable the University to process the reference.
For any other reference queries not covered above please email