Registry is the hub for all student, applicant data and administrative processes at London South Bank University. We look after:
- student records
- student returns
- enrolment
- internal reporting
Student records
The main work of the Student Records Office includes:
- supporting users of the student record system
- developing systems and processes to improve student data and better support users
- capturing and maintaining accurate student and course data
- maintaining curriculum
- maintaining the curriculum structure
Enquire about the data we hold about you
Student returns
The Student Returns Office submits mandatory data to the following external organisations:
- Higher Education Statistics Agency
- Higher Education Funding Council for England
- Skills Funding Agency
- Education & Skills Funding Agency
Internal reporting
- Provide a range of standardised reports from the student record system
- Provide ad-hoc reporting from the student record system
- Organise and provide the enrolment of all students
- Cary out regulatory ‘right-to-study’ checks
- Provide advice and support to applicants during enrolment process