We understand the steps to offering an apprenticeship can be hard to understand, so we have provided a step-by-step guide. Our dedicated Apprenticeship Team can also support you along the way, from advertising your vacancy to shortlisting applicants who meet your business needs.
If you are interested in offering an apprenticeship, complete the following steps:
1. Undertake a skills needs analysis: this is when a business looks at the existing company skills and identifies where there may be a need to develop skills. We can assist with the skills need analysis.
2. Identify whether you pay the levy: this will help you identify how much you have to spend on an apprenticeship. For example, you may be able to pay for multiple apprentices. Anything outside the levy pot is subject to a 5% contribution by the business. The apprentice does not pay towards the cost of study.
3. Search for training providers: once the skills needed are identified, explore the National Apprenticeship Service for a list of all providers that are on the Register of Approved Training Providers (RoATP) and to search for which apprenticeships they deliver. Consider what factors are important to you when choosing a provider. Is it important they have a history in delivering training for employees? You can view a list of the apprenticeship standards we offer – you may wish to discuss your options working with LSBU with one of our dedicated Account Managers. We are on the (RoATP).
4. Recruitment: identify how to recruit, as this can be via internal eligible staff or recruiting a new apprentice. We offer a free vacancy advertising and shortlisting service to employers. Before you issue an apprenticeship work contract, ensure that the prospective candidate meets the LSBU entry requirements and the requirements of the funding rules. Most employers wait to issue the final apprenticeship contract until after the prospective apprentice has applied to and been accepted by LSBU.
Download the apprenticeship vacancy form.
5. Written agreement: this is an apprenticeship contract where the employer selects a training provider and enters into an agreement.
6. Apprentice formally applies for the apprenticeship standard: we have an online application portal where students directly apply to us as their training provider, agreeing their commitment to the apprenticeship.
7. Sign Commitment Statement: this is a three way agreement between the employer, the apprentice and the training provider.
8. Link employer and apprentice to LSBU via Apprenticeship Service (digital levy account): this is how you will access the funding.
9. Apprentice starts apprenticeship: this can last 2–6 years. During the apprenticeship, the employer, student and training provider have regular progress reviews to assess progression. The employer is also required to ensure that the apprentice gains the right work experience as set out in the Apprenticeship Standard.
10. Monitoring the apprentice: as part of the apprenticeship agreement, we commit to reporting the apprentice’s attendance and progress to you, and hold regular progress meetings.
11. Apprentice completes programme: this acts as the ‘gateway’ to complete the End Point Assessment (EPA), which is assessed by an independent panel, the End Point Assessment organisation. Upon successful completion, the apprentice will achieve their apprenticeship status – and in some cases a professional qualification.