Enterprising Futures for Academics
Infusing enterprise ideas, thinking, and skill development into every LSBU classroomSupporting LSBU Academics and Students in Class
All LSBU students can think entrepreneurially. The Enterprising Futures at LSBU team is here to support academics as they teach these skills.
Types of Enterprise Modules
Enterprise in Academics
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Alessio Corso about Pitch Practice Support
"The sessions demonstrated that a good pitch is important when presenting an idea because it can make or break the success of the idea. The sessions also showed that a good pitch balances business and emotional needs. Whether you’re pitching to a company, an investor, a customer, or a potential partner, you have to hit them on both emotional and business levels."
Connect with Enterprising Futures at LSBU
Enterprising Futures at LSBU is here to guide, support, inspire, and motivate you and your students. Find ways to connect with the team and your community of entrepreneurial minded individuals.