A few of our prototypes

Title: Making Sure People Can Access GP Services

THIS Bradford District and Craven prototype aims to make sure that people who need primary care can access it, and that primary care services are proactively designed to meet need.
This group is exploring how best to design services for people who turn up frequently, and people who need continuity, to meet need and reduce demand and free capacity - so that the practice can be more proactive in connecting to the whole community. They are also exploring who does and does not get access. Two practices have been provided with analysis to identify their long-term high attenders, look at their “skew to the few” and low levels of GP continuity. They are doing a deep review of a number of these long-term patients to stimulate thinking about how to engage differently with them - using a wider array of roles at the practice outside of just GPs and providing GP continuity.

For more information, please contact maria.foulds@bradford.nhs.uk

Emily Isyr

Title: Creating youth-friendly primary care

DEVELOPING children and young people (CYP) friendly primary care practices means focusing on making services in GP practices more accessible for children and young people.
This Hastings group plans to do this by young people from the Youth Inspect and Advise Group visiting practices to make recommendations on practice behaviours, culture and environment about how to make their practices more comfortable for young people.  This has extended to making CYP focussed Saturday clinics so that young people feel they have their own space to be seen and listened to.

For more information, please contact cindy.cavie@nhs.net

Charlie and Jade

Title: Support for drug and alcohol dependance

FOR SIX weeks, a team from multiple voluntary and health services have been prototyping a new model to help people with current or previous substance (drug and alcohol) dependencies to transition back into mainstream health services - learning lessons from the vaccine programme on engaging people where they are.
The purpose is to avoid service users presenting late with more complex or even crisis needs. The prototyping has involved six iterations over the six weeks and has concentrated on the core themes of relationships, avoiding creating dependency, familiar places, flexibility of services and fairness.
The team achieved this prototyping with no extra funding or resources. Now they want to expand and refine the prototype in 2023/24 and look at focusing the target cohort and building further relationships with general practices at primary care network level.

For more information, please contact alison@esrauk.org

Deliah and Hercules

Images by Juli Dosad.