Darzi Fellowship

The Darzi Fellowship is not recruiting for a 2025/26 cohort. However, our expert faculty are still committed to providing clinicial leadership development opportunities. For more information on how we can support your organisation, please see this page or please email lsbushortcourses@lsbu.ac.uk

The Darzi Fellowship challenge has evolved into a prestigious, high profile programme designed to develop leaders from multi-professional backgrounds in their ability to undertake complex change initiatives that have a profound impact on them and the organisations they work for.

'Thank you. I had a fantastic year and really appreciated the time, knowledge and energy from you and the rest of the faculty. Delighted with the result!'

- Darzi 11 Fellow

LSBU has an excellent reputation for its first class training and for research that changes lives, making us the ideal institution to support Darzi Fellows through the delivery of our bespoke leadership development programme.

Our programme takes Fellows on a journey learning the foundations and developing an understanding of methodologies for change, as well as personal strategies and skills for leadership including working with peers and with diversity. A major strand throughout the programme is developing the ability to work effectively and productively with peers from diverse backgrounds including service users.

This programme supports the Fellows in leading real systems change projects that secure better services with and for citizens.

By the end of the programme, Fellows have:

  • The knowledge, attitude, skills and change practices to lead the NHS of the future
  • A wide network of critical friends and alliances to learn from (peer-to-peer learning)
  • A deep understanding of new models of care, their benefits, challenges and application
  • Made an impact on healthcare through the delivery of real change
  • Confidence, resilience and the ability to lead in times of uncertainty

The programme consists of the following three modules taught part-time over one year:

Innovating Systems

Innovating Systems

Understanding the Context for Leading Change and Developing and Implementing New Innovations in Care

Core Concepts of Quality

Core Concepts of Quality

Introducing the Concepts of Patient Flow in Systems, Improvement Science, Systems Leadership and Coproduction

Leading Change in Systems

Leading Change in Systems

Leading Complex Change in Systems in Real-Time through the Fellowship Challenges

Thanks so much. It was the best course I've ever done.

- Kim Nurse, Darzi 9

James Dove - Camden and Islington Mental and Physical Health Collaboration.

The prototype meant that three people who would otherwise have had potentially long and deleterious admissions to inpatient care were cared for successfully at home with a cost saving of £9753. Potential annual savings from integrated care for complex delirium: £117,036

See the project poster here

Tom Holliday - Islington and Haringey CCG.

Improving the quality of care for children and young people with asthma. This project developed partnerships with schools and primary care. Initial post course data from a single course indicates a 67% increase in PAM scores

See the project poster here

Brian Sreenan - East London NHS Foundation Trust.

This project was to increase Big Involvement in QI projects and achieved the following outcomes:

“BIG I” increased from 29.8% to 38.2%;

ANY Service User involvement increased from 42.4% to 61.8%;

See the project poster here

Lauren Fraser - South London HIN.

Two Videos : "Spotting the Signs of Sepsis ” and “ "Caring for Children with Fever at Home” available on the NHS Choices website for the  general public to watch  - now a NHS England key deliverable.

A combined version of the videos shown to parents of children under five with fever being discharged home from Emergency Departments (ED’s) to provide standardised safety netting advice.

See the project poster here

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