Enterprising Futures for Academics

Infusing enterprise ideas, thinking, and skill development into every LSBU classroom

Supporting LSBU Academics and Students in Class

All LSBU students can think entrepreneurially. The South Bank Starters LSBU enterprise team is here to support academics as they teach these skills.

Get in touch to begin collaborating on ways to support your students' entrepreneurial journey.

Creating pathways into extra-curricular enterprise engagement

Designing assessments linked to enterprise and activities

Combine teaching objectives with engaging and interactive entrepreneurial activities, including:

  • Introduction to the Business Model Canvas: challenge students to think of their idea's key components and document them in the one-page visual framework.
  • Live Briefs and Consultancy: connect academic learnings to real-life applications by providing feedback to LSBU start-up founders and freelancers.
  • Coursework designed to align with competition entry requirements

Creating inter-disciplinary enterprise learning opportunities

Looking beyond academics and single-subject matter expertise, you students can connect with others from different disciplines to collaborate on real-world challenges through:

  • Hackathons: engage in rapid and collaborative problem-solving over a relatively short period of time.
  • Live Briefs: connect academic learnings to real-life applications by providing feedback to LSBU start-up founders and freelancers.
  • Projects: get support building bespoke projects to meet specific learning and development goals.

Organised trips linked to business and enterprise

Get out of the lecture theatre! Organise or join existing trips associated with business and enterprise to offer hands-on opportunities to learn and connect. Past trips have included:

Introduction to South Bank Starters

A short 20-minute presentation in your module raising students awareness of the service and opportunities to engage in enterprise programmes, events, and trading opportunities.

Enterprise in Academics

Get in touch! Let's talk about ways in which the enterprise team can support your students through their academic work.

Request Support
Alessio Corso about Pitch Practice Support

"The sessions demonstrated that a good pitch is important when presenting an idea because it can make or break the success of the idea. The sessions also showed that a good pitch balances business and emotional needs. Whether you’re pitching to a company, an investor, a customer, or a potential partner, you have to hit them on both emotional and business levels."

Connect with South Bank Starters

South Bank Starters is here to guide, support, inspire, and motivate you and your students. Find ways to connect with the team and your community of entrepreneurial minded individuals.