Health assessments involve completing a simple, confidential online questionnaire, which allows participants to explore lifestyle habits and preferences, evaluate risk of developing future health issues and calculate their own wellbeing score. The assessment covers aspects of wellbeing that include sleep, stress management, nutrition, fitness, physical activity, and back and joint health.


Click here to view our LiveWell services
The Human Performance Centre recognises the importance of health and wellbeing, and tailored assessments, lifestyle interventions and guidance for individuals and groups alike.
Health and wellbeing services offered by the HPC include:
One-to-one health coaching
A confidential assessment with a LiveWell Exercise Physiologist gives clients the opportunity to ask questions and obtain advice on their lifestyle and health.
The basic assessment includes:
- Health status evaluation
- Blood cholesterol and glucose testing
- Body composition analyses
- Lung function assessment
- Fitness and physical activity assessment
- Stress management
- Balance, posture and movement
- Nutrition assessment and analysis
Additional bespoke assessments are also available on request.
We offer short education seminars on topics related to human health and performance that include:
- healthy travel
- stress management
- weight control
- physical activity recommendations