Health and Wellbeing

Your Health and Wellbeing at LSBU
We regard the health and well-being of our staff as crucial to a functioning, enjoyable and productive workplace. We support all our staff with a range of activities that promote a healthy lifestyle. Find out more about health and well-being at LSBU.

Onsite Gym and Fitness
LSBU Active offer quality gym facilities, services and programmes to LSBU staff, students and the community. The gym also provides therapy services, personal fitness programmes and Personal Training, as well as an extensive Group Exercise Studio Timetable.

Occupational Health
Health Partners provide LSBU with a dedicated Occupational Health Service. Through this service, the occupational health team can arrange to speak to staff and provide support and advice when health problems occur.

Employee Assistance Programme
The LSBU Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is run by Health Assured. The EAP provides an opportunity to talk confidentially to an independent third party about a variety of issues:
- Emotional, personal, relationship and family
- Legal
- Financial
- Work and career, including support for managers
- Signposting to support wider issues and support groups

LSBU Active has been recognised nationally for its high standards of excellence.A customer satisfaction rate of 84.5%UKCSI Business Benchmark Survey