Our work has made a difference at many levels, influencing policy and creating new commercial capabilitiesNearly three quarters of London South Bank University's (LSBU) research projects were awarded the two highest possible ratings for 'impact' by the latest university research excellence exercise, the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014. Our scientists in the School of Applied Sciences work in multidisciplinary teams to target major societal challenges in the areas of human health, well-being, performance and behaviour. We apply theory in theses areas to contemporary real world issues by undertaking innovative and rigorous science.
At the School of Applied Sciences in the area of Sport and Exercise Science:
- 73% of LSBU’s REF entries achieved the highest quality ratings of 'world-leading' and 'internationally excellent'
- 90% were awarded the highest ratings of 4* or 3* for 'impact' (reach and significance)
- Three quarters achieved 3* quality rating for an 'environment' that is conducive to producing internationally excellent research
In Psychology:
- 60% of our research was awarded 3* out of 4* - 'very considerable impacts in terms of their reach and significance'
- 85% of submitted publications to be internationally recognised, internationally excellent or world leading
We focus on globally regarded, theoretical and applied research with ‘real world’ impact. It underpins all our academic activities, services to external organisations and the range of well-respected courses on offer. Our teaching is fully informed by contemporary research, and our excellence is reinforced by outstanding research facilities which enable both staff and students to undertake cutting edge studies with the most up-to-date equipment and facilities.
Search our People Finder to find out more about our research-active staff.
Research degree programmes
The wide range of research activities in the School, together with the mix of academic staff, post-doctoral research fellows and visiting professors, allows us to offer a stimulating and diverse postgraduate environment. Read more about Research Degrees at LSBU.
Research scholarships
The School is pleased to offer a range of fee-waived studentships in the areas of psychology and human sciences, including studies into alcohol addiction and hypoxia in exercise. These are available for PhD students beginning courses in September 2016. For further information and how to apply, see our section on research scholarships.
Available PhD courses
School-based research groups
Benefitting from the interdisciplinary structure and support of our research centres, LSBU's school-based research groups form a unique community of subject-focussed research, innovation and entrepreneurial interest, where in-depth and internationally renowned expertise is nurtured; a true home and developing ground for subject excellence real world impact.
Research case studies
The role of social identity in addiction treatment
Bringing together their respective expertise in social identity and dual process, Dr Dan Frings and Prof. Ian Albery have spent the last four years conducting studies and developing the cessation maintenance model, which describes the processes that underpin how identities affect treatment outcomes.
The health benefits of green tea
Dr Azalldeen Kazal has been investigating the link between the positive health benefits of the antioxidants in green tea and the length of time the tea is stored.
Researchers unearth the flaw of major Drinkaware Trust Campaign
LSBU Psychology research unearths the flaw of major Drinkaware Trust Campaign revealing the negative effects anti-drinking posters can have on binge drinkers.
LSBU Research: putting your best foot forward
A close association with researchers at LSBU has contributed to sales of over 22 million pairs of FitFlop™ footwear.