LSBU's labs feature the latest computer and experimental equipment.Psychology students benefit from strong practical facilities to conduct scientific testing. The division's laboratory complex contains the latest computer and experimental equipment and has its own dedicated reference library.
Cutting edge technology
The Psychology laboratory is located on the fifth floor of the Joseph Lancaster Building and has the following features:
- Observation room with a one-way mirror
- This pair of large rooms has been set up to provide a comfortable environment for conducting observational work with the option of discrete observations via a large one-way mirror. The mirror allows the whole room to be clearly seen from the adjoining observation area and is ideal for research in areas such as developmental psychology where the presence of the experimenter may influence a child's behaviour.
- Psychophysiology laboratory and the Bio-psychological recording equipment (BIOPAC)
- The division currently possesses Biopac units and a range of different specialist modules or the collection of psycho-physiological data. The apparatus allows collection of a wide range of physiological data including: Impedance cardiography (ICG); Electro dermal activity (EDA), Continuous blood pressure monitoring; Electro cardiography (ECG).
- Eye tracking facility and portable eye tracking equipment
- The laboratory currently has a desk mounted SR eye tracker. Recently a further portable Tobii eye tracker was acquired. We are able to support a wide range of experimental paradigms with the apparatus including incorporation of other physiological data.
- Pub-lab
- This facility has been set up to examine various aspects of drinking behaviour in an ecologically sensitive environment.
- Electroencephalography (EEG) laboratory
- The laboratory has been set up with a Biosemi electroencephalography system. The equipment allows for recordings of real time neurophysiological responses to visual and/or auditory stimuli or of internal processing such as perception, memory and attention.
- Interview room
- This facility has been set up with comfortable furniture to recreate a pleasant environment for interviews. Moreover, encrypted and non- voice recorders, video cameras and transcription kits are available for qualitative studies.
- Psychometric library
- The laboratory currently carries around 1500 different psychometric tests across a wide range of application areas including clinical assessment, personality, neuro-psychological testing, cognitive performance and diagnostic screening.
- Computer labs with experiment generator software
- We currently have two dedicated psychology computer labs and four testing cubicles all equipped with PCs running a range of experimental applications. These include: E-Prime, Experiment builder, Psychopy, Acknowledge, In vivo, SPSS. Moreover, subscriptions to online platform such as Gorilla.sc and Qualtrics are available for Psychology students and staff members.
The labs also include seminar rooms, a workshop, storage areas, a preparation area and a laboratory office. There are two drop-in sessions per day for students to access technical and learning support from our highly professional technicians who are on hand to help.
Psychology Research Participation Scheme (RPS)
We use a web-based software package to advertise experiments and issue credit(s) for the departmental Research Participation Scheme (RPS). The experiment management system offers an easy way for participants from across the University to sign up for studies. This software helps to increase awareness and participation in our studies, therefore increasing the reliability of our experiments.