Executive team
The executive team steer the direction of the School, including safeguarding the student experience, shaping new courses and driving researchProfessor Petko Kusev
School/Division: Business
Job title: Interim Dean of Business School
Email: kusevp@lsbu.ac.uk
Mr Ivor Pingue
School/Division: Business / Finance, Economics, Accounting and Analytics
Job title: Head of Division
Email: pinguei@lsbu.ac.uk
Ms Susie Wolstenholme
School/Division: Business / Innovation, Leadership, Strategy and Management
Job title: Head of Division
Email: wolstesl@lsbu.ac.uk
Mr Vijay Lee
School/Division: Business / Finance, Economics, Accounting and Analytics
Job title: Associate Professor
Email: leevj@lsbu.ac.uk
Dr Barbara Czarnecka
School/Division: Business / Marketing, Tourism, Events and Hospitality
Job title: Associate Professor
Email: czarnecb@lsbu.ac.uk
Dr Carrie Rutherford
School/Division: Business
Job title: Senior Lecturer
Email: c.g.rutherford@lsbu.ac.uk
Professor Rea Prouska
School/Division: Business
Job title: Visiting Professor
Email: prouskar@lsbu.ac.uk