Interested in evidence-based support for your business? We can help!
What is consultancy?
Consultancy is advice provided by experts in the field to business, organisations or individuals on their area of expertise. At LSBU, our London Centre for Business and Entrepreneurship Research (LCBER) members have experience in working with practitioners across a wide range of sectors and can offer consultancy in the core areas below.
How do I get consultancy?
If you would like support for your business, organisation or yourself, please contact the named expert directly to discuss options: further details on staff and their contact details are available by clicking their name. The length and cost of consultancy varies depending on your needs.
Consultancy offered
Leading People, Teams and Organisations
- Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI): Supporting organisations to develop inclusive cultures, effective EDI management practices and to build a strategic approach to EDI. [Dr Aidan McKearney]
- Employee participation in decision-making: Supporting organisations to create, implement and improve participative management practices aimed at increasing employee participation in organisational decision-making. Experience with SMEs and start-ups. [Dr Rea Prouska]
- Emotional intelligence: Supporting business owners, managers and employees to develop self and social awareness to improve their communication and relationships with colleagues. [Dr John Opute]
- Multicultural teams: Supporting organisations with global teams working across cultures to increase their effectiveness. [Prof Karin Moser; Dr May Tungtakanpoung]
- Project management: Supporting organisations in the design and implementation of performance measurement systems as a means to identify and act on possible early warning signs of problems in projects and project-based organisations. [Dr Sara Hajikazemi]
- Knowledge management: Supporting organisations, leaders and employees in effectively sharing knowledge and information, and strategically developing and retaining core expertise, both online and face to face. [Prof Karin Moser]
Digital Transformation
- Remote working and leading: Supporting organisations, leaders and employees in effectively managing virtual work while maintaining a healthy and productive work culture. [Prof Karin Moser]
- Data management: Supporting organisations with digital transformation, value extraction from data, and with financial advice in planning debts/investment positions. [Dr Valerio Ficcadenti]
- Marketing communications: Supporting organisations to effectively communicate with their consumers. [Dr Barbara Czarnecka]
- Digital marketing strategies: Supporting organisations to develop low-cost, high-value tools which can be used strategically to promote their business. Experience with SMEs and start-ups. [Dr Emily Ngan]
- Social media marketing strategies: Supporting organisations to create and implement social media marketing strategies especially for Instagram/Facebook. Experience with SMEs and start-ups. [Dr Rana Tajvidi]