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Universal Healthcare Network Toolkit

How to do this work

Here you can find resources to help you co-create Universal Healthcare.

So, how do you start to embark on systems change? In this webinar, Professor Becky Malby sets out how we brought the health, care, and voluntary sectors together with the community to ensure the NHS is fair for all:

The slides can be downloaded here

1. Starting with Data

The first step - once you have secured the collaboration across your health system - is to understand what is really going on. We found the 3 propositions - Medicalising Poverty, Access and Rationing - to be a good place to start our local inquiries. We used data visualisation, provided by Tony Hufflett, to make the findings easy to understand for everyone. 

Examples of data visualisation

We used these in a data workshop - where everyone explored the data and worked through their assumptions about why what's happening is happening, and what that means for how the health system organises access.

2. The Change Lab Workshops

Example programme of one change lab workshop

In the workshops we asked we asked our Universal Healthcare groups why what works, works - this is what they said:

3. Prototyping

Each place develops ideas for change. These ideas come out of a series of workshops where people from across the original locations took time to really understand the issues facing communities, and how best to address the 3 propositions. These ideas are tested as prototypes where small changes are made as iterative experiments to see if the idea is viable and worthwhile. Prototyping is based on the idea that it is better to try ideas before you adopt them fully. The process is based on this approach:

Coming soon: more materials to support prototyping.

4. Check and Challenge

Once new ideas and approaches have been tested, they are ‘checked and challenged’ in a collaborative process between those doing the testing and the system leaders. This enables lessons to be learnt across locations, but also allows any viable new ideas to be adopted by the whole system or adapted for difference services. The Check and Challenge process uses the Lennox Sustainability Questions[i] to review the proposal.

Click here for Check and Challenge Approach

[i] Lennox, L., Doyle, C., Reed, J.E. and Bell, D., (2017). What makes a sustainability tool valuable, practical and useful in real-world healthcare practice? A mixed-methods study on the development of the Long Term Success Tool in Northwest London. BMJ open, 7(9), p.e014417.