Integrated Clinical Academic Schemes

Fully Funded Research Schemes for Health and Social Care Professionals Outside of Medicine

If you're a health and social care professional outside of medicine considering or currently doing academic research, you can access funded learning to establish yourself as a future researcher. This scheme is funded by Health Education England and offered by London South Bank University in collaboration with King's College London.

Three Schemes for Future Research Professionals

Scheme 1: Internship

The internship scheme is designed to assist successful applicants to provide a starting point on a clinical academic career pathway and to acquire pre-Masters level experience.

The scheme will provide for a two-day per-week (or equivalent) secondment for successful applicants to undertake an internship scheme with the explicit aim of providing ‘interns’ with the requisite skills, knowledge and competence to enable access to a postgraduate research scheme in London.

HEE will make a direct training allowance contribution to seconding NHS Trusts towards employer costs of £5,000 per awardee.

Scheme 2: Pre-Doctoral

The Pre-doctoral scheme is run by King’s College London in collaboration with London South Bank University (LSBU). The ICA Pre-doctoral scheme aims to support nurses, midwives, pharmacists, and allied health professionals to prepare a competitive application for a National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Doctoral Research Fellowship or other equivalent research training award.

Participation in this scheme will enable development of a clinical academic career along the HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) pathway.

HEE will make a direct training allowance contribution to seconding NHS Trusts towards employer costs of £5,000 per awardee.

Scheme 3: Post-doctoral

This scheme aims to support nurses, midwives and Allied Health Care Professionals (AHPs) who meet the eligibility criteria to prepare a competitive application for a NIHR Advanced Clinical and Practitioner Advanced Fellowship (ACAF)  or other relevant award, that enables them to continue to develop a clinical academic career along the HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) pathway.

HEE will make a direct training allowance contribution to seconding NHS Trusts towards employer costs of £5,000 per awardee.

For more information or to register your interest in the Integrated Clinical Academic Schemes, email the Health & Social Care team here.