Crime, Harm and Justice

CH&J is a multi-disciplinary, cross-school collaboration of researchers with a shared interest in issues relating to crime, harm and justice, at national and international level.

The Group is committed to conducting research to make a difference to criminalised and/or marginalised individuals and groups, especially those who are already vulnerable or experiencing inequality.  Its research looks at different forms of violence, including state violence and harmful practices within and beyond the criminal justice process. It also critically engages in the analysis of processes of criminalisation, victimisation and/or exclusion, and the relation between power, harm, justice, politics and inequalities.

CH&J’s current research is focused on four thematic priorities:

  1. Violence against Women and Girls
  2. Young people and Justice
  3. Experiences of the criminal justice system, imprisonment, violence and trauma
  4. State violence, harm and international justice

The CH&J group welcomes PhD applications in this field of research. As a PhD student supervised by a member of this group, you will receive support from the wider research group and the research centre. If you are interested to apply for a PhD at LSBU on this theme, get in touch with a member of the group in your area of research to discuss your research proposal before submitting your application. More details about specific themes within Crime, Harm and Justice, can be found on staff’s LSBU profile.

Members Include:

  • Dr Federica Rossi (Group Lead)
  • Dr Rashid Aziz
  • Dr Charlotte Clements
  • Cameron Giles
  • Denise Harvey
  • Tirion Havard
  • Dr Jaimee Mallion
  • Dr Esmorie Miller
  • Henry Redwood
  • Dr Elian Weizman
  • Dr Andrew Whittaker
  • Dr Tracey Davanna
  • Joana Grant
  • Dr Chris Magill
  • Anita Paza
  • Becky Shepherd
  • Dr Chris Waller
  • Dr Yutaka Yoshida

A full list of events can be found by downloading the CH&J Research Seminar Series 21/22 poster here.

Policing in Crisis?

Policing in Crisis? 2/2


  • Understanding and intervening with street gangs: applying the good lives model - 4th May 2022, 3.30pm
    • Dr Jaimee Mallion (LSBU, APS)
    • Location TBC
  • Zemiological harm in Malaysia: a composite critical criminological approach - 9th March, 3:30pm 
    • Dr Muzammil Quraishi (University of Salford)
    • Online - Zoom
  • Musical atmospheres in a men’s local prison - 9th February 2022, 3:30pm
  • Research Seminar Series - Countering the essentialisation of male Muslim prisoners: 8th December 2021 at 3.30pm
    • Dr Tracey Davanna (Division of Social Sciences)
    • Location: LSBU Keyworth Building, room K-218
  • Ye Lo Bayaan Humare | And We Were There 1967-1977 | Film Screening: 27th November 2021 at 1pm
    • Hindi/Bengali/English | 142 mins (in 2 parts) | 2021
    • Directed by Uma Chakravarti
    • In person screening, followed by a Q & A with the director, Uma Chakravarti, on Zoom from India.
    • Co-Hosted by the Crime, Harm and Justice Research group, the Race, Gender and Sexualities Research Group and Feminist Fightback.
  • July 2021 - Conference (online): Fighting for Justice: Families, Communities and solidarity networks against state harms and violence. Keynote speaker: Dr David Scott. With speakers from civil society groups: Academics for Peace (BAK UK), Choked Up, JENGbA, Spycops.
  • March 2019 - Public event on Policing Dissent. Managing Dis/Order. Panel Discussion and Public Forum. Speakers included, Professor Alex Vitale (Brooklyn College); Dr W Dr Waqas Tufail - Leeds Beckett UniversityKevin Blowe (The Network for Police Monitoring); and Dr Federica Rossi (LSBU)
  • November 2019 - Public event: Social Justice: An Evening with Gary Younge and Alex Vitale. Event co-organised by the CJRG with LSBU Equinet. With Prof Alex Vitale, CJRG Visiting Prof (Brooklyn College, New York) and Prof Gary Younge (The Guardian and University of Manchester), Visiting Professor.
  • June 2018 - Public event on Youth Crime and (In)Justice, our inaugural public event. Speakers included Dr Rashid Aziz LSBU; Dr Charlotte Clements (LSBU); and Gloria Morrison and Charlotte Henry from JENGbA (an organisation campaigning for legal reform)

Recent and forthcoming academic publications by members:

Wood, J. L., Mallion, J. S., & Frisby-Osman, S. (2022). The Psychology of Gangs. Routledge

Mallion, J. S. (2021). Good Lives Model: Importance of interagency collaboration in preventing violent recidivism. Societies, 11(3).

Redwood, H. (2021) The Archival Politics of International Courts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Kerr, R, Redwood, H., and Gow., J. eds (2021). Reconciliation After War: Historical Perspectives on Transitional Justice. London: Routledge.

Partis-Jennings, H, and Redwood, H. (2021). War art and the formation of communityCritical Studies on Security (Online first)

Rossi, F. (2021) ‘The failed amnesty of the ‘years of lead’ in Italy: Continuity and transformations between (de)politicization and punitiveness’European Journal of Criminology. Available here:

Weizman, E., Hawari, Y. and Plonski, S. (2019). Yara Hawari, Sharri Plonski, and Elian Weizman, eds., “Settlers and Citizens: A Critical View of Israeli Society” (New Texts Out Now).

Weizman, E., Hawari, Y. and Plonski, S. (2018). Seeing Israel through Palestine: knowledge production as anti-colonial praxisSettler Colonial Studies. Available here:

Our members are also involved in a variety of projects and organisations:

Dr Charlotte Clements is member of ‘Expertise of Experience Collective’ – a research collaboration looking at histories of experience and expertise

Dr Cameron Giles is an Assistant Editor of the International Journal of Gender, Sexuality and Law and a Seminar Series Steering Committee Member of LEX – a research network for those involved in international and transdisciplinary scholarship on law, gender and sexuality.

Dr Chris Magill is collaborating with and supporting R.I.S.E, Brighton based domestic abuse charity. She is also a member of the Data Analytical Services Directorate (DASD) Academic Network: Ministry of Justice; Academic Liaison Network: Youth Justice Board; Evaluation Panel Member of the Youth Endowment Fund.

Dr Jaimee Mallion is member of the Public Health Intervention Studies Response Team contributing to a project evaluating Essex County Council COVID Facebook support group. She is also PI on an NHS-funded project aiming to reduce violence towards paramedics.

Dr Esmorie Miller is co-organizer of the British Society of Criminology Historical Network Annual Workshop (June 2020, Online) and co-organizer and Chair of the European Society of Criminology Historical Working Group Panel (September 2020, Online)

Dr Federica Rossi is editorial board member for the London Journal of Critical Thought. She has also participated in the French-British collaborative research project ‘Criminalisation of Dictatorial Pasts’, funded by the AHRC (UK) and LABEX Pasts in the Present (France) (2015-2019).

Becky Shepherd is a professional associate member of Napo, the probation and family courts trade union and professional association. She is also a trustee of the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies and a member of the Quaker Criminal Justice Network.  Her current research project, supported by Napo, is researching vicarious trauma in female probation practitioners.

Dr Elian Weizman has been awarded an Early Career Fellowship from the Independent Social Research Foundation with the title: The Threshold of Criminalisation: Cartographies of State Vulnerabilities and Anti-Colonial Resistance in Israel/Palestine.  

Drs Elian Weizman, Ozan Kamiloglu, and Henry Redwood have been awarded a grant as part of the ‘Being Human’ festival to run a community, arts focused, project around the relationship between archives, empire and community in the past and present.

Prof Andrew Whittaker is editor of the Journal of Social Work Practice. He is also chair and organiser of the ESWRA International Symposium on Risk Assessment and Decision-making (Aalborg 2017, Edinburgh 2018, Leuven 2019, Bucharest 2021); and chair of DARSIG, the European Decision, Assessment and Risk research network (80 researchers in 20 countries).

Other publications and media engagement :

Magill, C., Gajparia, J., Havard, J., Shepherd, B., Kibirige, N. (2020) Covid-19, domestic abuse and what universities can do for students, WonkHE.

Esmorie Miller has acted as consultant for the documentary, produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation (2020), The Lost Boys (Gangs, School Exclusions, Prison, Death)

Esmorie Miller has been guest at The Julie Norman Show (Podcast, Dr Julie Norman, 2020), Changing The Narrative: Beyond Crime & Punishment.

Federica Rossi was interviewed by Mediapart journalist François Bougon and cited in his article “Exilés italiens: le reniement de la France, l’impasse de la vengeance” (12 May 2021)

Whittaker, A., Harvey, D. and Shepherd, B. (2021) Evaluation of the Lewisham Trauma Informed Group Work Programme. London: LSBU.

Below are a number of resources created by, and linked to the Crime, Harm and Justice Research Group.

Artwork by Dr Pen Mendonca

The CH&J Group Edited blogposts for the LSBU Blog #Write4Change


Event Programme

  • Fighting for Justice, 'Families Communities and solidarity networks against state harms and violence' (15th July 2021)

Dissecting Difference: Women, Violence and Intersectionality

In line with the theme of intersectionality, the Crime, Harm and Justice Research Group put on an event that acknowledges some of the issues around women and violence experienced by certain minorities. With both Refugee Week & Pride month taking place in June, we have sessions focusing on how refugee & migrant women and lesbians are impacted by abuse & violence. We also explore disability & other intersections during the event.