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Law and Justice Research Group

LJRG brings together a wide variety of academics and practitioners whose expertise and research comprise questions of social justice in relation to law and legal education.

The objectives of the LJRG are to support individual research and collaborations among its members and beyond. With addressing social justice issues constituting the focal point of the Group’s work, members’ research areas range from critical engagements with domestic and international law to innovative and critical approaches to legal pedagogy. The vast spectrum of expertise testifies to the diversity of research and interests within the group. Equally the range of collaborations, both internally and externally, reflects the values of the group for inclusive research and outreach to academics from other universities and disciplines, as well as to practitioners, civil society and other stakeholders who seek to engage with and support the work of our members and students.

Prospective PGR students who are interested to be supervised by any of our members should contact the individual member directly.

Members Include:

  • Farnush Ghadery (Group Lead)
  • Dr Ozan Kamiloğlu (Group Lead)
  • Alan Birbeck
  • Alan Russell
  • Andy Unger
  • Cameron Giles
  • Catherine Evans
  • Cherry James
  • Dr Emmanouela Mylonak
  • Dr Peter Kalulé
  • Emma Rehal-Wilde
  • John Koo
  • Katherine Stylianou
  • Kim Silver
  • Louise Andronicou
  • Prof. Craig Barker
  • Prof. Max Weaver
  • Prof. Sara Chandler
  • Risham Chohan
  • Robert Hush
  • Sonal Khamajeet
  • Aurelia Guo
  • Dr David Birchell
  • Dr Mala Sharma
  • Abiodun Olatokun

The Law and Justice Research Group has been holding an external speaker research seminar series as well as an internal research seminar series throughout the 2021-22 year.

So far, events have included:

  • 25th February,  4-5:30pmOn the Paradox of Decolonising Everything: A Pedagogical Double Bind with Rohini Sen and Sahar Shah,
  • 19 October, 6-8pm - Public Panel Series: ‘Gender Justice: How the law protects and fails women’
    • Fatemaa Waarithah Ahsan: LSBU Law graduate and alumnus, and founder of Bangladeshi rights NGO, No Passport Voice
    • Bethany Bowden: Associate at Hogan Lovells who advises UK-based NGO, Hestia
    • Farnush Ghadery: Law lecturer at LSBU with a specialism in feminist approaches to international law
    • Alice King (Chair): Law lecturer at LSBU with a specialism in sexual violence
    • Rachel Mulryan: Manager of Modern Slavery Post-CG (Conclusive Grounds) Services at UK-based NGO, Hestia
  • 3 November 2021, 4-5pm - External Research Seminar Series: Dr Illan Rua Wall, ‘The Effect of Protest’. Online with meeting link available upon request.
  • 12 November 2021, 1-2pm - Internal Research Seminar Series: Emma Rehal-Wilde, ‘The Future of Pro Bono’, and John Koo, ‘Contemporary protection: Syrian refugees in Europe and Turkey,’ Online with meeting link available upon request.

In 2022, the LJRG will be organising a writing retreat for its members in order to create a space for research exchange and collaboration as well as facilitate the progression of members’ scholarship.


Cherry James, John Koo, and Emmanouela Mylonaki have a long standing collaboration with academics from a number of EU universities to teach and engage with scholarship around EU migration law and interventions to combat cross border criminal activity. The most recent collaboration, supported by funding from the Erasmus+ Programme, led to a compendium of student papers (here), a collection of academic papers (here), and an online open access e-learning platform (MOOC - here). Their most recent publication arising out of this collaboration is a chapter in a book to be published by Springer early next year, 'Covid 19 and an Emerging World of Ad Hoc Geographies', edited by Stanley D Brunn and Donna Gilbreath.  The book contains 148 chapters from 291 authors who come from 66 different countries and discuss COVID-19 issues in 68 countries - an international and interdisciplinary book about the pandemic. Their chapter is called 'From European Union student mobility to lockdown: “Virtual study mobility” in the COVID-19 era and a case study of transnational law in an international classroom delivered online.'

Petero Kalulé’s research focuses on the interrelation of critical legal theory with the ethics and regulation of algorithms, AI, and new digital technologies. Their work is multidisciplinary and attends to issues such as the aesthetics of regulation, Black poetics and law, critical criminology, law and abolition as well as the ethics of deconstruction. They have received funding for a research project with Dr Angela Daly and Dr David McMenemy entitled ‘Governing the more-than-human' that engages Critical Legal Theory in Dialogue with Human Data Interaction. They have published two poetry manuscripts with Guillemot Press. You can read their recent blog posts here:

Farnush Ghadery organised the ‘Transnational Legal Feminism’ Symposium held by London South Bank University and Cornell Law School in collaboration with the Transnational Legal Theory Journal in March 2021. It will result in a special issue of the journal on ‘Transnational Legal Feminism’ to be published early 2022.

Farnush is currently also setting up a ‘Collective on Feminist Collaborative Ethos in Law’ with Dr Shaimaa Abdelkarim (University of Birmingham) and Rohini Sen (Warwick University). They will be speaking about this project as part of the Queer Virtual Workshop: ‘International Law Dis/Oriented’ organised by the Graduate Institute Geneva. Their recent blog post can be found here:

Ozan Kamiloglu is running a project with colleagues Elian Weizman and Henry Redwood, in collaboration with Counterpoint Arts on the archives of the Imperial War Museum. The project will end with a public talk, followed with an exhibition, which is the result of an encounter between local residents, an artist, and the academics. This experience will be turned into different kinds of academic texts. The project is funded by the Being Human Festival. Ozan also established a project with colleagues from Izmir and elsewhere, called the Izmir Centre for Right to the City; a centre that focuses on public legal education.

Current research projects & publications

Cherry James researches student mobility; her most recent article on the topic is ‘From Erasmus to Turing: What Now for Study Mobility between the EU and the UK? Damage Limitation and New Opportunities', published in the Pécs Journal of International and European Law.

Dr Mala Sharma is currently working on a paper on integrating climate goals and investment dispute resolution for publication in the Journal of World Investment and Trade.

Emma Rehal-Wilde is speaking at the launch of National Pro Bono Week 2021 about the future of pro bono in England & Wales. This is the 20th anniversary of Pro Bono Week [if there is a recording of the panel session I will include a link]