Sustainability: Policy, Practice and Pedagogy
SPPP is based on the principles of social and environmental justice and provides opportunities for all people and organisations to give and learn new insights - making sustainability principles integral to everyday life and learning.SPPP’s vision is to achieve sustainability through research, education, and action. Our purpose is to address the complex real-world challenges by linking research with practical action and to hold our policy makers to account for their commitments on the SDGs. Our key national and International partnerships and collaborations include;
- European RCE network
- Schumacher Institute UK
- University of the West Indies
- University of Limburg (Belgium) and of Zuyd (Neths)
- Tokyo Institute of Technology Greek Ministry of Education Environmental Education department
- Grantham Institute for Climate Change Institute for Global Health Innovation and network of eco-schools
Members Include:
- Dr Jaya Gajparia (Group Lead)
- Hitendra Solanki (Group Lead)
- Dr Deborah Andrews
- Prof. Ros Wade
- Dr Hugh Atkinson
- Dr Paul Maiteny
- Colston Sanger
- Dr Alex Mifsud
- Dr Beverley Goring
- Dr Edward Isaacs
- Dr Sara Abdaless
- Dr Esmorie Miller
- Dr Alan Winter
- Dr David Gibbon
- Lynn Vickery
- Dr Andrew Jones
- Dr Glenn Strachan
- Dr Gualtiero Bonvino
- Prof Gaim Kibreab
- Thomas Empson
- Nadia Imtiaz
- Kris Leverton
Upcoming Events 2021 – 2022
RCE London, established at LSBU, is celebrating the 10th year since it was endorsed and admitted to the global RCE network (Regional Centre of Expertise for Education for Sustainable Development ) by the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS).
RCE London is marking this milestone year with a virtual webinar series entitled 'Sustainability and Beyond' with the emphasis on an eclectic mix of themes around the Sustainable Development Goals.
The series has been curated in partnership with LSBU's Sustainability Research Group and will include a range of special guest speakers joining us to celebrate & share their expertise!
- 27 Jan 2022 - Biodiversity
- 24 Feb 2022 - After COP 26, where to next?
Past Events
- LSBU Sustainability & Climate Action - Consumption (4 Nov 2020)
- LSBU Sustainability & Climate Action - Economics & Education (5 Nov 2020)
- LSBU Sustainability & Climate Action - Food & Water (13 Jan 2021)
- LSBU Sustainability & Climate Action - Politics (14 Jan 2021)
- LSBU Sustainability & Climate Action - Equality (15 Jan 2021)
- 30 Sept 2021 - Art, Nature and Sustainability
- 21 Oct 2021 - Education for Sustainable Development: past, present, future
- 25 Nov 2021 - Storytelling, documenting, inspiring
The Sustainability Research Group is involved in a number of research projects, national and international collaborations, including:
Recent Publications
Gajparia, J., Strachan, G., Vare, P. and Ferguson, T., 2021. Identifying Assessment Opportunities in Postgraduate Learning for Sustainability. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 12(1), pp.151-175
Andrews, Deborah. "The role of Design as a barrier to and enabler of the Circular Economy." In Handbook of the Circular Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020.
Wade, Ros. "How Can Migrant Entrepreneurship Education Contribute to The Achievement of The Sustainable Development Goals? The Experience of The Fresh Start Programme." Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review 30 (2020).
Kioupi, V. and Voulvoulis, N., 2020. Sustainable development goals (SDGs): Assessing the contribution of higher education programmes. Sustainability, 12(17), p.6701.
Forthcoming Publications
Hugh Atkinson is currently working on a ‘New Economy and New Systems’ research project and book proposal with the Schumacher Institute [https://systemchange.online/index.php/systemchange/issue/view/4]
Several papers forthcoming special issue titled ‘The Role of the Human Dimension in Promoting Education for Sustainable Development at the Regional Level’, Frontiers (2021-22)
Jaya Gajparia is co-editor of ‘Reimagining/Revisiting Feminist dilemmas in academia in times of crisis’ (2021-22)
Jaya Gajparia is co-authoring journal paper titled ‘Pushed into part-time work: invisibility, power dynamics and the consequences of narrowing spaces for feminist academics in higher education’ (2021-22)
Grant Funding
Funder: British Academy
Value: £20,000
Project: Shared Understandings of a Sustainable Future (2022)
PI: Jaya Gajparia
CoI’s: Esmorie Miller, Tracey Davanna
Funder: European Union
Value: £250,000
Project: Fresh Start project
PI: Ros Wade won EU
Funder: Socio-Legal Studies Association Small Grants
Value: £1 135
Co-I: Esmorie Miller
Funder: Kent County Council
Value: £25 000
Project: Serious Youth Violence Project Grant
Co-I: Esmorie Miller
Funder: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Value: £6,800
Vasiliki Kioupi
Funder: ERDF/InterregNWE
Value: €1.2million
Project: CEDaCI data centre sustainability project
PI: Deborah Andrews
Internal Funding
- £2100 for the Sustainability Pod for 21/22
Below are a number of resources created by, and linked to the Sustainability: Policy, Practice and Pedagogy Research Group.
The SRG has worked collaboratively to produce the Sustainability Research Pod - a podcast where you hear about applied research into education and sustainability.
LSBU Sustainability and Climate Action Programmes
LSBU Sustainability and Climate Action Video recordings
- LSBU Sustainability & Climate Action - Consumption (4 Nov 2020)
- LSBU Sustainability & Climate Action - Economics & Education (5 Nov 2020)
- LSBU Sustainability & Climate Action - Food & Water (13 Jan 2021)
- LSBU Sustainability & Climate Action - Politics (14 Jan 2021)
- LSBU Sustainability & Climate Action - Equality (15 Jan 2021)
Research Event Poster by Pen Mendonca