Legal Advice Clinic
The Legal Advice Clinic provides a valuable public service and exceptional work experience opportunities
The Legal Advice Clinic is a free public drop-in advice service staffed by LSBU law students working under the supervision of practicing solicitors. Find our Legal Advice Clinic Leaflet here.
Our drop-in service is now open to the public.
Our advice service
We provide:
- Basic information on any topic.
- Generalist advice in social welfare law matters: this includes family, housing, employment, welfare rights and consumer disputes but does not include immigration.
- Specialist legal advice in family and housing by appointment at Thursday evening sessions (accessible via an initial assessment at our daytime drop-in).
Drop-in opening times
- Tuesdays: 10am – 12 noon and 3pm – 5pm
- Wednesdays: 10am–12 noon and 3pm – 5pm
- Fridays: 10am –12 noon
Open term time only
Tuesday 8 October to Friday 20 December 24
Tuesday 28 January to Friday 11 April 25
Our drop-in appointments last up to one hour.
If your enquiry is too complicated for us to deal with in that time, we will try to direct you to an appropriate local service.
Our drop-in sessions can get busy and we cannot guarantee that we will be able to see everybody. Please arrive early to avoid disappointment.
London South Bank University
Legal Advice Clinic
Clarence Centre for Enterprise and Innovation
126 London Road
We are unable to provide any advice by phone or email but see below for our Windrush Justice Clinic and our online social welfare law video advice service.
Windrush Justice Clinic: advice by appointment via online video meetings
As part of our collaboration with the Windrush Justice Clinic we can provide initial advice on likely eligibility for the Windrush Compensation Scheme and gathering evidence in support of an application to the scheme. We will do our best to refer you to one of our partners who can assist in submitting an application to the scheme. Please note we cannot give immigration advice.
The Windrush Justice Clinic assists victims of the Windrush scandal to obtain compensation for the losses and distress they have suffered because of the hostile environment.
The Windrush Justice Clinic is run by a collaboration of partners, including the legal advice clinics at the University of Westminster, London South Bank University, North Kensington Law Centre, Southwark Law Centre, the Claudia Jones Organisation, the Windrush Compensation Project and the Jigsaw House Society.
If you wish to request an online appointment for Windrush advice please email us on legaladvice@lsbu.ac.uk.
Social Welfare Law: advice by appointment via online video meetings
We also provide generalist advice on Social Welfare Law matters via online video meeting appointments.
Unfortunately, due to demand we cannot guarantee to offer you an online video appointment as most of the advice we give is through our drop-in sessions.
If you wish to request an online appointment for Social Welfare Law advice please email us on legaladvice@lsbu.ac.uk but please note that we will only reply if we can offer you an appointment
Law Clinic Guarantee
Breaking ground as the first and only Law School in the UK to introduce a clinic guarantee, we align ourselves with a global movement embraced by leading Law Schools around the world, particularly in the USA and Australia. Click to find out more.