Our Colleges

Our colleges create a dynamic environment to support students, develop academic programmes and engage with industry.

College of Health and Life Sciences

The new College of Health and Life Sciences represents the following list of schools:

School of Applied and Health Sciences – Biomedical Sciences, Forensic Science, Psychology (with Child, Clinical, Health and Nutrition and Forensic Psychology pathways), Sport and Exercise Science and Sports Rehabilitation.

School of Nursing and Midwifery – Advanced Clinical Practice, Midwifery, Nursing (Adult Child, Community and Public Health, Learning Disabilities, Mental Health) and Professional Nursing Practice.

School of Allied and Community Health – Chiropractic, Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Operating Department Practice, Physiotherapy, Radiography and Social Work.

College of Technology and Environment

The new College of Technology and Environment represents the following list of schools:

School of Architecture and Planning – Architecture, Urban and Environmental Planning, Town planning.

School of Construction, Property and Surveying – Courses in Construction Management, Quantity Surveying, Building Surveying, Real Estate, Commercial Management, Architectural Technology.

School of Engineering and Design - Civil Engineering, Building Services Engineering, Chemical and Energy Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Rail systems engineering, Engineering Product Design.

Computer Science and Digital Technology - Courses in Computer Science, Information Technology, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence.

College of Society and Professions