Behavioural Research Group
The Behavioural Research Group (BRG) carries out research activities that draw on theory and methods from economics, management, psychology, marketing, philosophy and organisational studies, amongst other behavioural sciences. In accordance with LSBU’s research and enterprise strategy and REF 2029 goals, the aim of BRG is to promote interdisciplinary theoretical and applied behavioural research, initiative and activities.
The BRG is dedicated to conducting, advancing, and applying behavioural research. Accordingly, the BRG conducts original interdisciplinary research both within the University and with external collaborators and partners. Moreover, the BRG promotes research excellence and enhances the international reputation and visibility of the research conducted in the LSBU Business School.
The mission of this multidisciplinary research group is straightforward and aligned with the research strategy/priority of the Business School: 1) world leading and internationally excellent research outputs, 2) research and enterprise income, 3) impact and overall achieving international visibility and recognition. Specifically, we aim to establish the BRG as a leading national and international research group.
The BRG promotes and encourages inclusivity and diversity. For example, being part of the BRG provides staff members, practitioners, international partners, and PhD researchers with the opportunity to partake in interdisciplinary research projects, enterprise activities, and research training. Furthermore, the BRG members explore influences on/and of behaviour regardless of type of behavioural agency (humans, organisations and artificial intelligence), employed research methods and data analysis techniques, in the following areas:
- Judgement and decision-making
- Consumer behaviour in multicultural contexts
- Behaviour change and forecasting
- Risk behaviour and decision heuristics
- Social cognition
- Entrepreneurial behaviour
- Business decision-making
- Well-being at work
- Equality and moral decision-making
- Behavioural experiments and interventions
The BRG promotes research that addresses four main United Nation’s sustainable development goals: Good health and well-being, gender equality, sustainable cities and communities, and peace, justice and strong institutions.
- Ademola Ajeyomi
- Barbara Czarnecka
- Firdaous Ennami
- Gift Kugara
- Heidi Hinchliffe
- Joseph Teal
- Lyn Hamblin
- Mark Winter
- Michele Buontempo
- Mohamad El Tannir
- Peter Nimmo
- Petko Kusev
- Sara Abdaless
- Serene Ni
- Sergey Portyanko
- Silvio Aldrovandi
- Sultana Ashiq
- Susie Wolstenholme
- Thikrait Al Mosawi
Members of the BRG are currently working on a variety of funded research and enterprise projects. For example:
- Perspective-taking accessibility and climate change mitigation behaviours (Leverhulme Trust)
- Working together in Civil Society: A study of collaboration between Civil Society Organizations (British Academy)
- Help to Grow (CABS)
- Organisational Skills Framework (Lambeth Council)
- Thriving High Street Fund - Camberwell Identity Group (Southwark Council)
- London Housing Foundation