Research excellence and integrity
At LSBU, research excellence and integrity are at the heart of what we doResearch excellence
Achieving high quality is a research priority for us. One way this is measured is through the national review of research carried out in UK universities by the UK funding councils, which is performed every six or seven years. The latest exercise was the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF2021).
The REF2021 results (published on 12 May 2022) showed that 68% of the research submitted by LSBU to REF was world leading or internationally excellent. This is a 14 percentage point rise from the last time REF results were published in 2014. LSBU submitted 199 research staff to REF2021, which is a 72% increase on the REF2014 figure.
All enquiries regarding REF at LSBU should be made to Joe Arnold, REF and Impact Manager.
Research governance and integrity
Our research excellence is built on a firm foundation of governance and integrity. Research Governance aims to continuously improve standards and minimise unjustifiable variations in research practice. LSBU adheres to the UK Research Integrity Office's Code of Practice for Research (2009) in pursuing good Research Governance by:
- setting the principles, requirements and standards of good practice in research in our organisation;
- defining mechanisms by which our organisation and individuals address the standards and obligations for undertaking research; and
- improving research quality by providing a framework for the conduct of research which should enhance ethical and scientific quality; promote good practice in research; reduce adverse incidents; ensure lessons are learned and prevent poor performance and misconduct.
Who it applies to
Research Governance applies to LSBU as an organisation that hosts research. It also extends to all of our staff who undertake or manage research and is applicable to bodies that fund research proposals or infrastructure.
It is the responsibility of individuals to ensure they are aware of the standards they are expected to adhere to and maintain in carrying out research to the highest standard.
What it covers
Research Governance at LSBU involves the following six domains:
- research integrity and scientific practice;
- research ethics;
- research information;
- health and safety;
- finance; and
- trusted research and export control.
Relevant mechanisms within LSBU are outlined below:
- Scientific Practice
The University adheres to the seven principles of the Concordat for Research Integrity (2009) which requires all research to be carried out with: Excellence; Honesty; Integrity; Cooperation; Accountability; the development of Training and Skills; and Safety.
Research Ethics and Integrity is guided by the LSBU Code of Practice for Research with Human Participants: When things go wrong, LSBU has a procedure to investigate cases of misconduct in research: LSBU encourages a culture of openness and accountability. Our 'Speak Up' policy ensures concerns about research integrity or misconduct can be raised in confidence, promoting ethical research practices. Anyone wishing to raise concerns about the integrity of research being conducted should in the first instance contact their School's Dean.Rita De Oliveira, Chair of the Ethics and Integrity Committee, is the main point of contact for research integrity matters.
The University’s Annual Statements on Research Integrity can be downloaded here:
- Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2019-20 (PDF File 70 KB)
- Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2020-21 (PDF File 65 KB)
- Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2022 -2023 (DOCX File 31 KB)
The University's policy on Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice sets out the principles of Good Scientific Practice; the structure and environment requirements for research; the education and training needs of researchers; handling of primary research data; responsibility for publication and matters relating to Integrity and Standards in Public Life.
- Research Ethics
The University takes research ethics very seriously in order to both respect the dignity and rights of participants to ensure their safety and well-being, and to protect the reputation of the University.
All research at LSBU involving human participants requires Ethics clearance BEFORE any research is undertaken.
Responsible use of research metrics
LSBU issued its statement on the responsible use of research metrics in 2019 in Annex XIII of its REF 2021 Code of Practice (PDF File 2,109 KB) and is proud, since 2020, to be a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment. All research assessment using metrics at LSBU will be informed by the five dimensions articulated in the Metric Tide report - robustness, humility, transparency, diversity and reflexivity. In the evaluation of research, LSBU considers the value and impact of all research outputs (including datasets, software and the products of creative practice) and also, it considers a broad range of measures, including indicators of research impact.
Open Access
As part of its commitment to widening the availability of academic research, LSBU has adopted the Open Access policy. This policy allows those without privileged access to academic publications to reach prestigious research findings for free. This way, important new sector knowledge can be shared further at no extra cost.
LSBU's Open Access policy includes LSBU's Research Open repository of academic research. Find out more about the University's Open Access policy.
Trusted Research and Export Control
LSBU operates in a global capacity with respect to its research and innovation activities, and benefits from investment and collaboration from across the world. International research collaborations have a pivotal role in ensuring the continued success of the UK’s research and innovation sector. Despite significant benefits, international collaborations introduce potential risks. It is vital that the research carried out by the University is protected from theft and exploitation to minimise this risk.
The UK’s National Protective Security Agency (NPSA) has developed guidance to help the sector manage potential risks associated with research and innovation activity. Trusted Research facilitates a strong ethical framework within which international collaborations can be undertaken and “aims to secure the integrity of the system of international research collaboration” (NPSA).
LSBU’s Safe and Secure Partnerships (Export Controls, National Security and Sanctions) policy summarises the export control systems and controls at LSBU and can be found on the LSBU website in About Us, under Policies and Procedures.
LSBU also has the following resources available to help individuals undertaking research and innovation at LSBU:
- Trusted Research Checklist
- Trusted Research – Connect (lsbu.ac.uk)
- International Collaboration Disclosure Online Form
Associate Professor Rita De Oliveira – Chair of the LSBU Research Integrity & Ethics Committee.
Professor Rodney Day – Pro Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation) – is the main point of contact for Trusted Research and Export Control
Annual Statement of Research Integrity Compliance 2022-23
Concordat Support Research Integrity: All those engaged with research have a duty to consider how the work they undertake, host or support impacts on the research community and on wider society.
LSBU is committed to the principles set out in the concordat helps demonstrate to government, business, international partners and the public that they can continue to have confidence in the research produced by the UK research community. It provides assurances of the standards expected of all stakeholders, identifying five commitments that all those engaged with research should be able to make.
# | Principle | LSBU Evidence |
1 | Maintaining the highest standards of rigour and integrity in all aspects of research | Policy on Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice (PDF File 147 KB) is available. |
2 | Ensuring that research is conducted according to appropriate ethical, legal and professional frameworks, obligations and standards | The activities of the School Ethics Panels scrutinise aspects of the conduct of research at LSBU, with more complex issues referred to the University Ethics Committee for review. No significant matters associated with research misconduct have been identified in 2022-23. |
3 | Supporting a research environment that is underpinned by a culture of integrity and based on good governance, best practice and support for the development of researchers | Research and Enterprise handbook for staff outlining processes and procedures for conducting research and enterprise projects at LSBU. The University has a Researcher Development Group with representatives from all Schools. The group supports the practical implementation of the Concordat for the Career Development of Researchers. The Research Office has a training programme to provide appropriate training and events for development of researchers - this training programme has been launched that includes training in Researcher Integrity, and is mandatory for all PGR students. |
4 | Using transparent, robust and fair processes to deal with allegations of research misconduct should they arise | Corporate Procedure: Procedure for Investigation of Misconduct in Research (PDF File 316 KB) The point of contact for Research Integrity matters is to be appointed. There have been no formal investigations of research misconduct either by research students or members of staff during the period 2022-23. |
5 | Working together to strengthen the integrity of research and to reviewing progress regularly and openly | LSBU is a signatory to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment Research Integrity workshop has been made a compulsory component of the Key Skills Development Programme, one of ten mandatory training sessions for all PGR students. An online Research Integrity, DORA and Open Research training pogramme has been available to all staff since 2021, providing increased opportunity for researchers at all stages to better understand researcher integrity. This is available to all staff at Course: Research Integrity - DORA (lsbu.ac.uk) |