Barbara’s Story: Development and evaluation of a programme to reinforce values-based behaviour
This project is a collaboration between Guys' and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT) and LSBUIn September 2012, GSTT embarked on a campaign to raise awareness of dementia and the care of older people, for staff working in their hospitals and in the community, using a film developed for the Trust: 'Barbara's story'.
A further six films are being developed to continue Barbara's story and a team from LSBU are conducting the evaluation to investigate the effect Barbara's story has had within the organisation.
The team are also evaluating the use of Barbara's story to prepare pre-registration student nurses to care for people with dementia.
The project commenced in 2013 and is due to complete in 2014. It has been carried out by academics from our School of Health and Social Care who are carrying out research under the theme of Workforce Innovation, Development and Education in the Division of Adult Nursing and Midwifery Studies.
The funding body for this project is the Burdett Trust.
Members of the LSBU project team include: Prof. Nicola Crichton, Prof. Lesley Baillie, and Dr Philip Kemp. To find out more about them, search our People Finder. GSTT is represented by Deborah Parker in this collaboration.