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Psychology Diploma

A Psychology student shares their experience of undertaking a work placement that has now been introduced as part of the course

"It was actually LSBU's excellent professional links that led to me having the chance to undertake my placement in the first place. The concept is for students to undertake voluntary work which forms part of a new placement module instead of attending lectures. The new module allows students to gain relevant work experience and then undertake assessed coursework based on that experience.


"Before I started, we were given an induction day and assigned mentors to make sure we had a good insight into the nature of the organisation's work. With that under our belts, we were then allocated to work at a particular project. Before beginning the placement I wasn't sure exactly what to expect, but had a really open mind and I was made very welcome by everyone at the project when I started. During the first few weeks of my time there, I also kept a diary to help me record my experiences and the things I was learning.

I found the placement to be an extremely useful experience, giving me exposure to a context where some of the psychological subjects and theories studied on the course at LSBU could be more directly experienced.

A real team member

"I'm really pleased to have had the opportunity to undertake the work placement and would definitely recommend it to other students. The staff were very welcoming and have given me lots of great opportunities to add to my understanding, including shadowing them at meetings. I've felt like a real team member and not 'just' the placement student, and working with the people whom the organisation supports has been very interesting and enjoyable."