Tanya Greenland, alumna, MSc Leadership and Service Improvement in Health
After completing year one of her studies NHS Clinical Service Lead Tanya is now Project Manager for her Trust's Adult Mental Health programmeSupportive learning environment
Studying while continuing to work is always a tricky balance but Tanya found that she was supported throughout her time at LSBU. "At Master's level you have to use a different learning style, it's more independent - however LSBU supports you to learn those skills. The course is excellently put together and the online library is brilliant if you are not on campus every day."
"I decided to come here because colleagues had recommended LSBU for this course," explains Tanya. "It's also really conveniently located. Lastly though, my conversation with the Course Director made me feel that this would be a supportive learning experience and I needed to feel that to return to study whilst in full time employment."
Adult Mental Health
LSBU's reputation had a large part to play in Tanya's decision to come here, but the course itself also closely matched her professional aspirations. "I chose this course because I felt it aligned with not only my role at the time (as a Clinical Service Lead), but also with the strategic aims of my Trust and the future direction I wanted to take professionally", she says. It's fair to say that Tanya's commitment has been rewarded as she is now a Project Manager of the Trust's Adult Mental Health programme. "My new role involves managing the delivery programme and working closely with teams to ensure delivery of change, developing operational policies and protocols, and working with service users and carers to ensure they are involved with and informed about the change and with commissioners to report against achievement of the programme and outcomes attached to the programme," she explains.
It's a new challenge but it's one that Tanya is enjoying: "I love working on a strategic large-scale project with the levels of development and innovation that entails, but also working closely with individuals, patients and teams to deliver that change. I feel that I have a fantastic opportunity for my own professional development too."
Applying knowledge
Tanya has been able to apply some of her new knowledge to her role very quickly. "The modules covering leadership and innovation, particularly the learning around change management and engagement, have been really valuable," she says. "The change management theories I have studied and also the research I've done in regard to engaging with stakeholders has directly benefitted my current role," she adds. "I'm looking forward to consolidate everything I've learned from LSBU, and everything I'm learning in my new position over the next few years, and potentially take a step to another strategic role in delivering innovations and improvements to mental health services."