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Tina Wright, BSc (Hons) Biosciences

Since graduating, Tina has worked as a laboratory assistant and is now looking forward to building on her academic achievements by starting her Masters

Even as a child, Tina Wright knew that she wanted to be a scientist – her only challenge was narrowing that down to a specific career path. “When I was seven, I wanted to be an archaeologist; when I was ten it was a geologist,” she smiles.

“By the time I started secondary school, I was determined to become a scientist, and as my education progressed I found myself gravitating towards medical research. I wanted to help the scientific community and public better understand how a disease progresses, help to implement faster, more effective diagnostic techniques or potentially lay the foundations to finding a cure.”

Working in the lab, using aseptic techniques and learning to take into account health and safety were all important factors in making me more employable.

Tina Wright

Excellent combination

With that in mind, Tina applied to LSBU to study BSc (Hons) Bioscience. “Biosciences are an excellent combination of science subjects, from microbiology and chemistry to nutrition and ecology,” she explains. “A bioscience degree allows you to explore every subject area in depth so that at the end of the course you can pick and choose what you would like to build upon. It gives you so many career options and possibilities.”

Best years of her life

It’s a decision Tina is glad she made, describing her years studying at LSBU as the best years of her life. “I had no negative experiences at LSBU at all,” she says. “I was immersed in a subject I really enjoyed, with excellent lecturers who were enthusiastic and passionate. The library and Learning Resource Centre were also exceptional, providing me with a wealth of information to help me with my studies.”

Academic success

Whilst studying at LSBU, Tina enjoyed considerable academic success. “I won two awards on my course that I am very proud of,” she says. “One a very difficult module, microbial metabolism, I achieved a very high pass grade of 84%. As a result, I was given a textbook prize from the Course Director.”

Personal highlights

Tina’s second achievement was even more notable, and concerned the strengths she demonstrated in her final year research. “I was actually awarded a second degree in human biology,” she says. “It was presented to me at a ceremony which, combined with achieving a first class degree in bioscience, had to be the highlight of my time at LSBU.”

Close community

Away from her studies, Tina made the most of the opportunities LSBU provides to stay happy and healthy too. “I regularly went to the gym, which was very affordable,” she says. “The Students’ Union bar was always holding events, and I even worked there for a while in my first year. It’s a very close community at LSBU, made up of many different types of people from diverse backgrounds. I made many friends there.”

Understanding the importance of data analysis and statistics is important, as is knowing how to write laboratory reports. Luckily these were two skills that my degree really helped me with.

Tina Wright

Gaining experience

Since leaving LSBU, Tina has gained experience in research positions and in industry, and has worked as a medical laboratory assistant and a research assistant. She’s currently preparing to undertake a Master’s degree in analytical biology, and hopes to produce more excellent research that leads to a PhD. “Ultimately, I would like to become a lecturer and secure funding to carry out my own scientific research,” she says. “I’d like to publish papers and who knows – maybe one day I could even become a professor.”

Find out more about BSc (Hons) Bioscience at LSBU.