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David Cheadle, MSc Electrical and Electronic engineering

Tell us about your current job.

I work as a Higher Scientist at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in Teddington, working in the electromagnetic technologies group on a variety of project related to radio frequency communications and electromagnetic sensors. Currently I am working on projects related to connected autonomous vehicles (CAV), sensors, Radar, LIDAR, telecoms, and antenna measurement.

NPL sponsored me in my studies, both financially and by giving me the time to attend the degree courses at LSBU. In 2022 I graduated from LSBU after four years of part-time study with a BEng degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. I then went on to study an MSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, of which I am currently in my second and final year at LSBU.

How has studying at LSBU helped you in your career?

LSBU has given me the opportunity to gain two electrical engineering degrees later in life than I thought possible. I had already been working for over 10 years when I started my undergraduate studies. The part-time format of the course at LSBU allowed me to continue working as I studied and made it possible to fit my studies around my work, with all the teaching and on-campus activities delivered one day per week. Study at this level require a massive commitment of time and energy outside the timetabled activities, but I am incredibly happy and grateful to have had the opportunity to do it.

At LSBU I have had the opportunity to gain experience in a variety of different technical areas. This includes power electronics, Verilog FPGA design, robotics, PIC microcontrollers, control engineering, optical communications, and renewable energy system. My BEng project was on using ultrasound for detecting metal markers implanted as part of cancer treatment, and for my MSc project I am building a low-cost sensor network for detecting fractures in sea ice. All of this has enabled me to broaden my knowledge and skills and become more confident in explaining and communicating my work.

Talk about your highlights of studying at LSBU.

In 2022 as part of LSBU’s ‘No Barriers to Brilliance’ campaign I was awarded the Patrick Clarke Prize for the highest achievement in the division of electrical and electronic engineering to recognise the hard work and dedication to learning I demonstrated over the course of my studies. I was very proud of this and it was great that my efforts had been recognised by the university.

I have had many great experiences at LSBU and to me the best thing about the university are the people that I have met during my studies. Both the students that I work alongside, many of them being part-time students in the similar position to me, and the academic staff who have been extremely helpful in guiding me whilst at LSBU. I have also received lots of help from the brilliant lab assistants and PhD students. Without all these people I don’t think I would have been as successful as I have been with their support.


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