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Elizabet Ciochina - Sunshine Therapy

Tell us about your business.

Sunshine Therapy helps individuals who are seeking relief from psychological distress, such as grief, anxiety, depression, and limerence, through talk therapy sessions tailored to address your specific needs and challenges.

What is the problem or need you are looking to address and how does your business idea meets this need?

Mental health is one of the most crucial issues globally. With 1 in 6 people report experiencing symptoms of mental health issues such as depression and anxiety in every single week in just England. Given this widespread need, I have developed Sunshine Therapy. Sunshine Therapy uses talk therapy and subconscious reprogramming to help individuals explore and understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours to improve mental health, as well as change deeply ingrained beliefs and habits by accessing and altering the subconscious mind.

What inspired your idea and business?

This initiative started from a desire to help out a colleague who was suffering from depression at the time. Witnessing the transformative impact the therapy sessions had on her mental health and well-being, I wanted to extend that benefit to more people. The positive changes were remarkable, and I felt inspired to share this healing approach widely.

What has been the best part of your entrepreneurial journey?

The best part of my entrepreneurial journey has been witnessing the transformative impact our therapy sessions have had on a variety of individuals. Each client brings a unique story and seeing them evolve is profoundly special. I recall a young woman who overcame deep-seated anxiety and limerence and now thrives in her career and daily life, a middle-aged man who found renewed purpose after battling depression and strengthened his faith in God.

For me, each breakthrough, big or small, reaffirms the power of Sunshine Therapy’s work. Healing and touching others' minds and hearts, watching their lives change for the better, has been the most rewarding aspect of my journey.

What advice would you give aspiring entrepreneurs just starting their journey?

My advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is to start with thorough research and planning. Build a strong network, seek mentorship, and always be open to feedback. It’s a journey worth pursuing! 😊

What support would be most beneficial for your business at this stage?  What are you looking for help on?

At Sunshine Therapy, the most beneficial support at this stage would encompass several key areas.

We need assistance in developing and implementing effective marketing strategies to increase our visibility and reach a larger audience, including digital marketing, social media management, and search engine optimisation (SEO). We are open to social media collaborations.

Additionally, we are at the initial stage of app development. We’re always looking to collect your ideas and feedback on things/features you would like the mental health app to include. Feel free to email them to us at

Financial support to expand our operations, hire additional therapists, and invest in training programs is also necessary, along with guidance on financial planning and securing grants and investor funding. Building partnerships with healthcare providers, community organisations such as spas, and other mental health services would help us expand our network and provide comprehensive care to our clients.

Addressing these areas will enable Sunshine Therapy to better fulfill its mission of providing tailored talk therapy and subconscious reprogramming to those experiencing psychological distress, ultimately helping more individuals lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Where can we find more information about your business?

For more information about our services or to keep up to date with our blog page, you can visit our website at

To book a free consultation or to learn more about our services, you can email us at

We are also active on social media, where you can follow us for updates, mental health tips, mini articles and more:

Additionally, we offer both online and in-person sessions at our therapy center located in Southwark, London. Feel free to contact us through any of these platforms for more details or to schedule an appointment.

Elizabet Ciochina at the South Bank Ignite Festival


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