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Josie Nixon - IOA Diploma: Acoustics and Noise Control

Now Senior Acoustic Consultant at  Healthy Abode Ltd t/a HA-Acoustics

I undertook my Diploma at LSBU, in 2016-2017, as a way of learning the fundamentals and gaining knowledge across a raft of acoustic topics. At that time I was working in London as a Junior Consultant and enjoyed the chance to go LSBU one day a week and meet several people in a similar situation predominantly working in acoustic consultancy or local government.

At LSBU the technical facilities are impressive, in particular the anechoic and reverberation chamber along with the range of equipment. The lecturers enthused the weekly practicals, where we quickly gained knowledge and as an Acoustician I’ve applied many of those practical teachings to my hugely varied consultancy work.

Summarising the best thing I found from the LSBU IoA Diploma in Acoustic’s is impossible. However, the lasting legacy of friendship with both lecturers and my classmates, many of whom I remain both socially and professionally in contact with is invaluable in my career.

I enjoyed studying at LSBU so much, that despite already having a Masters, I’ve subsequently returned to complete a Masters in Acoustics.

Sadly the acoustic legend that is Bob Peters was no longer lecturing, but I enjoyed being taught by Haydar Aygun. The great relationship I made on my Diploma with Professor of Acoustics Steve Dance, and Snr Lecturer Luis Gomez-Agustina continued, and I recall debates in class became even livelier given several students had a couple more years of industry experience! On my Masters as well as my Diploma LSBU encouraged me to present at conferences internationally on my dissertation topics, which was an incredible experience.

I wholeheartedly encourage you to contact LSBU to find out about enrolment opportunities.

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